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GA8-IRXP with 533MHz CPU ???

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New Member
May 28, 2003
Hi there,

I'm currently runng my Gigabyte GA8-IRXP with a P4 1.6 GHz @ 2.4 GHz (based on a 150 MHz FSB). And it runs fine and rock stable WITHOUT changing the cpu volts. But now my question:

For the reason there is no fast (enought) 400MHz P4 to replace my old cpu I want to replace it with a 533 MHz cpu. I know that the board would not recognize the new cpu correctly, but if I set the values manually (fsb and voltage) the cpu should run. Am I wrong or right? Is there anything to be watched specially?

Is there anybody with usefull hints about this "project" ?

Greets, chevie
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The board will run the chip, but a P4 2.4A (multiplier 24) will have a different multiplier than a P4 2.4 B (multiplier18).

You will be able to get it running at 533 MHz (quad-pumped), but I doubt you will be able to overclock much further than that on a "B" chip. A quick way of getting a slightly better overclock is to cool the Northbridge on the motherboard better. Take off the silver heatsink (I have this board and it's quite nice. :) ) and give it some better cooling. After that maybe doing the vid-pin trick.

here have been a few updates for the BIOS on the board now (the RAID can now be run as ATA - normal sockets) and getting that updated might be good.

Welcome to the forums :)
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GA8-IRXP & 533 MHz CPU


Thanks for your infos, so I will dare to buy one of the fater cpus. For your infos, I will install a cooler-fan on the northbridge cooler, hopefully it helps. But, whats in the hell is the vid-pin trick ? I've never heard about it and googling does not gave me any results too.
I allready tried to upgrade the bios from F7 to F9, but this results in less overclocking capabilities and I had problems on reading my hard disks (when the board is overclocked). So I'm back to f7 and it runs fine again @2400 MHz.
Greetz, Chevie
So at the minute you are using a 400Mhz bus chip at the minute, the 1.6 Ghz one?

I would suggest you get a chip which still runs at 400Mhz normally. A 2.4 Ghz chip would be good for you. Take it to 533 Mhz (bus) and you would get 3.2 Ghz :)

The vid pin trick is a way of making sure a heavily overclocked chip boots properly on this motherboard.
Overclocking a GA8-IRXP


Yep, Actually I'm using the 1,6 GHz Cpu with a 150 FSB Cycle, so it runs fine at 2,4 GHz. I'm not sure a 2,4 GHz CPU is as fine to be overclocked as my 1,6 GHz, but with the arithmetics it would make 3,6 GHz ;)

But, the problem is to get this as a stepping 7 cpu (thats the ones whichs can be overclocked easy). And for this I had the idea what happens if I insert a 533 FSB CPU. But formerly you wrote about it might get a problem with the multiplier. Why? The board does not have the idea if the cpu's multiplier cause the bios does not know anything of the 533er chips.

So, I'm a bit confused again. :eek:

Re: Overclocking a GA8-IRXP

It's not the multiplier that's a big problem, it's just that the board cannot go very far beyond 150FSB, so you should stick with 100 Mhz FSB chips really. I'm surprised at your overclock, you have really pushed that chip and the Northbridge :D

If you want to overclock a "B" chip (133 MHz FSB) then you will have to take it up to 166Mhz or above for a good overclock, and I'm not sure the Northbridge will let you, as the system might be unstable.

So a 133Mhz chip will run in it but you might not be able to overclock it far.


Oh, now I see what you writing about. The difference to the actual reached speed (FSB 150) is much less on using a FSB 533 CPU than on using a FSB 400 CPU. You're right.

But, formerly I thought that the end of the (actual) way was'nt the board, it was (as I thought) the cpu itself. Cause the Board might stand FSB rates around 200 MHz (cause the bios steps ends at this mark). So (I thought) a less FSB rate (150 MHz in my case) is caused by the CPU (it does not stand more). But now, when I correctly undrestood you, the northgate might be the "problem". In this case, a FSB 533 CPU would not give me the same overclocking rates than a FSB 400. So I have to buy the fastest FSB 400 CPU I can get.

Chevie :cool:
Good luck with the overclock whichever chip you use.

If you manage to get a 50% overclock tell me which chip you use as i'm going to get a new chip for the same board :)


Hey, you seem to be a coward ;)

I should spend my money and you're just doing it twice - if I managed it to find the right chip. But I will do it, so I inform you "here at the same theatre" what I did and whats the result.

Bye for now, have a nice sunday, cu, Chevie
Lol :D

I very nearly took out a P4 chip so i've calmed down my overclocks since then.

Have a good weekend :)
New Processor


Hi, its me again. So, here I am... I bought a 2.4 GHz P4 (FSB 400). I overclocked it to 3.2 GHz without touching the voltages. It runs rock stable at 48° degree C on normal operations. On playing games (mostly like C&C generals) or burning dvds it rises to a maximum of 60° degreee C. So yoi see, there's really no problem with it. The only bad thing on it is, that my pci and agp bus is running a bit lower that the normal clock. Thats cause I can't set the dividers/multipliers to an exact value for the new fsb clock. But thats peanuts. The system runs quite stable.

Bye, Chevie
Sounds good. Could you do me a small favour and find out the code of the chip? It will be something like SL6RZ.

What memory are you using and what settings? I'm thinking of running some Crucial PC2700 sticks at 353 Mhz (2.66 * 133 Mhz)

Thanks :)
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Hi, for the reason its naturally build in my pc and its covery with a thin layer of heatpaste and the cooler, I can't read the code. But if it helps I can give you the infos from wcpuid.

I'm running it atually at 3121.36 MHz with a FSB Speed of 130 MHz. So the Systembus is at 520.23. The memory is a Infinion Chip on Infionin Board and runs atually at 260 MHz (Yep, I know its slower that the nomal speed, but I don't have an better multiplier/divider, the other setting would "overrun" it at 350 MHz - I only tested them till 300 MHz - stable!).

Thats for now, Chevie