New P2P Policy

Oops, There I Go Again

I know, some of you are probably saying, “More of this P2P sh#&?”

Yeah, I understand how you feel.

Yeah, I even get tired of writing them, so I guess you can get tired of reading them.

Yeah, I’m a little too fond of the subject, maybe more than a little too fond. 🙂

No, we’re not going to stop talking about the subject but . . . .

Yeah, there’s got to be a better way to do it, because I end up saying many of the same things again and again in each separate article. That could bore even Hilary Rosen. 🙂

Yeah, I thought of something better. Just do one article a week on the subject, and cover all the events, outrages and nonsense of the past week. That way you can ignore just one article a week if so inclined. 🙂

Even if you like me talking about the subject, this way, you’ll hear me cover certain point once rather than a bunch of times.

Yeah, I promise.


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