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Millenium Glaciator

SUMMARY: I tested one of the first Glaciators off the line – Impressive performance at reasonable noise levels. Millenium’s Glaciator has finally made it to production; as many of you know, Millenium Thermal Solutions came up with a heatsink design

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Remarking? Why Now?

The differences between prices on high-end and low-end Intel chips have never been closer. There’s less room for profit in remarking than ever before. And NOW all of a sudden remarkers crawl out of the woodwork and are all over

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The good news is we have a picture of one (our witness says it’s greenish-looking): The not-so-good news is that this particular one didn’t do any better than a week 19 AXIA. Email Ed

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AMD Mobo Airconditioning

Until now, owners of AMD mobos have not been able to use programs like WPCREDIT to tweak their motherboards. While this hasn’t been too big a deal for most tweaks since they were already included in the BIOS settings of

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Kyro Not Quite Cooked?

I’ve heard some grumblings about this card in forums, and got this message from a trustworthy member of our audience just now: I got a couple of KYRO2’s the other day and checked one out in my rig. Observations: 2D

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A Different Angle–Part I

If I were a nice normal reviewer, I’d just run the benchmarks one or three or however many times and come up with a single number you could refer to. But I’m not. I come up with all different kinds

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Behind the Scenes At Memorial Day

I’m going to give a view of Memorial Day from a slightly different perspective. First, a little background. I live and work in a cemetery, have been for seven years. For those seven years, Memorial Day has been nothing but

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Forgetting Memorial Day?

I’d like to thank you for your thoughts on Memorial Day. Though I’ve never spent a day in the military, my ancestors have. Two of them, a father and son team, lost their lives trying to uphold the ideal of

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Variable PC Peltier Controller

SUMMARY: A good attempt at controlling peltier temps, although some improvements would make it a better product. Variable PC emailed me last week about their product called VPC. By continuously switching voltage to peltiers, it keeps temps within a selected

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Why Remember?

Today in Memorial Day in the United States. Different days in different countries, same idea. I would bet many of you react to Memorial Day like this: “Why should I care about what happened to old or dead people a