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Who has sold the most x86-64 server CPUs? The answer, of course, is Intel. “WHAT!!!???” you say (well, maybe some other four-letter words got into your answer, too). 🙂 Well, from the Intel Analyst forum the other, you have this

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When Is the Second, Coming?

We spoke a little while back about the second generation of 90nm Hammers. Now we get a story which looks to be the AMD spin on this, and I do mean spin. Let’s do a little call and response on

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Got this email the other day: “Good article, but for us non-techies, could you explain how a new, faster AMD CPU is going to really benefit most users? In particular, what are the forecasts for new software (aside from the

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CPU Cooling – What’s New??

SUMMARY: What’s new?? Not much…. I woke up this morning in a reflective mood for some reason and I wanted to write about something that’s been nagging at me for a while – what’s new in CPU cooling?? The short