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Checking For Loopholes

From Wikipedia: “[W.C.] Fields spent his final weeks in a hospital, where a friend stopped by for a visit and caught Fields reading the Bible. He enquired as to why, since Fields was an atheist, to which Fields replied, “I’m

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XSPC X2O Watercooling Kit 2575

SUMMARY: Complete entry level watercooling kit. The good guys at XSPC were nice enough to send a sample of their XSPC X2O Watercooling Kit to try out. This looks like an entry level kit with three separate components – Waterblock,

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CGs Are Here

The ADA3200/3500CGBOX processors have already made an appearance at some places: Zipzoomfly and Excaliberpc are two places that do. I haven’t found any results yet, but it should be noted that there is not one but two E4 steppings. The

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From Travesty To Tragedy . . .

As we reported yesterday, no more socket 939 Opterons None. Not just the cheap ones. All of them, within just a few months of their inception. Why? Well, maybe the proper question is not, “Why did they die?” but rather

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Advice To Sixpacks . . .

Like most of you, I have a number of Joe Sixpacks in my life. They are people who own computers, but find them a necessary evil. They know little about computers, and would actually like to know even less. They