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To Be 3, Or Not To Be 3? . . .

Some aren’t too happy that I didn’t respond properly to AMD’s 3GHz demo, and told me so. I think reproducing an email exchange I’m having will illustrate the issues pretty well: Why The Skepticism? Q. Nobody is pleased about where

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Ultra 800 Watt Power Supply Review

With the power requirements of modern PCs going through the roof due to increased processing power (graphics wise anyway, the opposite is true for CPUs), most people will be in the market for a new PSU some time soon (unless

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Phenoms To Stay Rare? . . .

There are two slides from the AMD analyst conference you need to see (all slides can be seen here. The first is entitled, “AMD Desktop Performance Platform Roadmap: 2007-2009” You may say, “Outside of 2009, what’s the big deal?” and

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They Must Suck . . .

Let’s get this straight: You’re a company hemorrhaging red on the financial pages like a victim in a slasher movie. You call a financial meeting of analysts to try to convince them that this is going to stop someday soon.

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Boys Lie? . . .

A lot of financial types feel that AMD needs to stop spending so much money on fabs. AMD said that they were going to pursue an “Asset Lite” strategy, which made the financial types happy for a while, Well, boys

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DREMEL 400XPR Review

SUMMARY: If you are cutting metal with a rotary tool you NEED this. When it comes to computer modding there are few tools more often used than the rotary tool. Its versatility is incredible, from cutting to sanding and even

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Wanted: SLACR . . .

Yesterday, Intel did its price cut. The one specific item of most interest was the pric cut of the 2.4GHz Q6600 to $266. Well, there’s something else you ought to know about this processor before you buy one. Go here

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The Problems With SOI . . .

Yesterday, we said we would talk about the prospects of AMD getting competitive K10 chips out. We’ve suspected based on circumstantial evidence that AMD’s core problem has been the 65nm SOI process. Now someone has come up with some hard