My most vivid adult Christmas memory? It happened a few years ago, over at the old Tom’s Hardware Forum.
You didn’t have to have thick skin to survive that forum, you needed skin made out of Kevlar.
Nonetheless, I remembered being stunned when I wished the forum a Merry Christmas and out of the blue got a couple “F— yous” back for my efforts.
Mind you, this wasn’t coming from anybody who didn’t like me the other days of the year.
I had to ask, “Why?” and the answer I got essentially said, “It offended me; I’m Moslem.”
At the time, I replied that I had said, “Merry Christmas,” not “Merry Christmas, and die, the rest of you infidel dogs.”
If there is something truly under the sun these days, it is the emergence of the professional offendees, those who don’t have chips on their shoulders, but slates, if not mountains. And this trend doesn’t discriminate by race, creed or color.
So much attitude for so little reason.
Which brings us to today. Christmas, a holiday meant to celebrate the birth of Christ. You might think being the Son of God would give one MAJOR attitude.
Talk about thinking you were important and that the world owed you something.
If you think some of the people you know are insufferable, imagine what they would be like if they got that kind of promotion. Imagine how they would have arranged coming into the world.
But no, the Christ child came into this world as a defenseless little baby, without official fanfare, without even good hotel accommodations.
And why did He come? He came to die for our sins. How resentful do you feel when you end up taking the blame for somebody else? Imagine having to die for those people, people who don’t know you, people who don’t like you or even hate you?
Now that’s something somebody could really have a chip on one’s shoulder about.
But He didn’t.
If He could be what He was and do what He did without humongous attitude, how about us? Believe in His divinity or not, wouldn’t we all be better off if we followed that good example?
Think about it.
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