AMD HD6990 Preview – Photos and Screenshots!

Well, the wait is not over yet but I’m happy to report we actually have an HD6990 in-house! Unfortunately we can’t tell you anything about it, but we have some pretty pictures for you to feast your eyes upon.

First, AMD has kindly supplied some stock photos of various views of the card.

AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD
AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD

AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD
AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD

AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD
AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD

AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD
AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD

Of course, AMD knows everyone likes to see their video cards undressed.

AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD
AMD Radeon HD6990 - Image Courtesy AMD

So there are all the card photos we can share right now. Specifications and the release date are still under NDA, but there is one thing I am allowed to tell you. As you can see, there are five monitor ports on this beast, and that translates to support for a new Eyefinity mode – 5×1 portrait.

Dragon Age 2 in 5x1 Portrait Eyefinity Mode
Dragon Age 2 in 5x1 Portrait Eyefinity Mode

Looks quite insane actually. I definitely don’t have the monitors to test that bad boy out, but for gamers with plenty of monitor money to spend, that’s got to be drool-worthy.

Lastly they gave us a couple screenshots of Dragon Age 2 in eyefinity mode. Be forewarned – these are in their native resolution. We’ll open them in a new window rather than lightbox, but they are massive. The 3×1 image is over 900 Kb and the 5×1 image is 1.1 Mb. You have been warned!

Dragon Age 2 in 3x1 Landscape Eyefinity Mode
Dragon Age 2 in 3x1 Landscape Eyefinity Mode
Dragon Age 2 in 5x1 Portrait Eyefinity Mode
Dragon Age 2 in 5x1 Portrait Eyefinity Mode

Unfortunately we can’t confirm or deny any other information like specs or performance numbers, but there are plenty of rumors floating around. Some of these links can be found in an existing thread by forum user DSM4Life. Feel free to feed the rumor mill with your own links and comments. Hopefully it won’t be long before we can bring all the info to light!

Jeremy Vaughan (hokiealumnus)

About Jeremy Vaughan 197 Articles
I'm an editor and writer here at as well as a moderator at our beloved forums. I've been around the overclocking community for several years and just love to sink my teeth into any hardware I can get my paws on!

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dibs when you're done with it.

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Avatar of MattNo5ss

5up3r m0d3r4t0r

8,808 messages 0 likes

Awesome, I'm looking forward to HD6990 vs GTX590!

dibs when you're done with it.

That will probably be when a HD7990 is released, so you have some waiting to do...:)

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Just a nickname


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I was wondering what are the parts surrounded? Is the black squares the memory module (AKA ram?)

I only see 8 memory modules (4 per GPU I bet). My 5870 has also 8 but for only one GPU and it just has 1Gb :confused:

This beast shoulda have at least 4Gb to compete with the 5970 6 eyefinity version.
Picture of the 5970 4Gb:

As you can see, there's also 8 memory modules per GPU in the 5970!

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Avatar of hUMANbEATbOX

Contributing Member

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That will probably be when a HD7990 is released, so you have some waiting to do...:)

hey that's ok with me!

does that mean that once the 6990 is released, then there will be a 5970 up for grabs??! if so, put me down for that one too!

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Avatar of ChanceCoats123

d20 in a jacket

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I was wondering what are the parts surrounded? Is the black squares the memory module (AKA ram?)

I only see 8 memory modules (4 per GPU I bet). My 5870 has also 8 but for only one GPU and it just has 1Gb :confused:

This beast shoulda have at least 4Gb to compete with the 5970 6 eyefinity version.
Picture of the 5970 4Gb:

As you can see, there's also 8 memory modules per GPU in the 5970!

I would assume (very uneducated here), but they [Amd] probably changed to a more dense ram, or put some on the back side... Like SDRAM, it's possible to have more or less dense memory banks. The more dense all fit on one side vs. the less dense have to go on both sides to give the same total space.

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Just a nickname


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Is there any advantage having it dense beside space save? In my mind, dense = expensive. Also, I checked the 6970 PCB and it looks like it is build as the 5870 in term of memory module. Quite intrigued with that stuff.

"March 8 Launch Date for Radeon HD 6990
The the consumer graphics industry is about to see yet another round of competition between top market players AMD and NVIDIA in March, with reports suggesting that the red team (AMD) has chosen March 8 as the launch date of its Radeon HD 6990 graphics card. NVIDIA's response, the GeForce GTX 590 is slated for sometime later in March, as well. AMD is said to be finalizing the SKU, and it should be launched by partners on the 8th of next month. The Radeon HD 6990 is a dual-GPU "CrossFire on a stick" solution, in which two AMD Cayman GPUs with 2 GB of memory each, work in tandem."


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Avatar of ChanceCoats123

d20 in a jacket

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Must be on the back, or really dense then. IIRC, the dense stuff (SDRAM) didn't clock as well, but that was more slated towards the top end SRSBSNS overclockers.

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Avatar of Dooms101


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I was wondering what are the parts surrounded? Is the black squares the memory module (AKA ram?)

I only see 8 memory modules (4 per GPU I bet). My 5870 has also 8 but for only one GPU and it just has 1Gb :confused:

This beast shoulda have at least 4Gb to compete with the 5970 6 eyefinity version.
Picture of the 5970 4Gb:

As you can see, there's also 8 memory modules per GPU in the 5970!

I am no expert but this is what I think each thing you circled is:

Yellow box: There looks like they'd be the power circuitry for the memory modules.

Purple box: The purple box and the yellow box below it are probably the power circuitry for the GPU cores.

Red box: I think that controls communications between each 'GPU section', I guess you could call it a crossfire chip, except it is likely higher bandwidth and lower latency.

Green box: No clue, other than it looks like it might belong to the memory power circuitry above it.

These are all just what I think, I don't actually know. I could possibly have the memory and GPU core power circuits mixed up too. There is likely RAM modules on the back, with AMD pushing 5x1 eyefinity as a major feature of this card it would be hard to believe them having anything less than 2GB per GPU section.

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Avatar of hokiealumnus

Water Cooled Moderator

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If you guys want the higher res version of that, here's the original image sent by AMD.

Enjoy! :thup:

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