AMD Releases FX Comic, Mocking Intel

Certainly a bold marketing move by AMD, this comic comes off as clever, though somewhat contrived… But overall I must admit it brought a smile to my face, as its funny to see the overt posturing between the 2 processor behemoths.

Here’s an excerpt from the comic, but check out the entire comic for yourself. Spoiler Alert: Ruby gets in on the action too!
Operation Scorpius: The Legend of FX

The Legend of FX
The Legend of FX

Matt Bidinger

About Matt Bidinger 60 Articles
My name is Matt Bidinger. I manage the editorial and forum staff for, and I enjoy Community Management with a number of large internet sites. I've worked in IT in my professional career; my site involvement keeps me off the streets at night. When relaxing, I can usually be found walking the parks and roads of Rootstown, OH with my wife Kim and my dog Bubba.

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Avatar of Archer0915

"The Expert"

5,069 messages 232 likes

Certainly a bold marketing move by AMD, this comic comes off as clever, though somewhat contrived... But overall I must admit it brought a smile to my face, as its funny to see the overt posturing between the 2 processor behemoths.

Here's an excerpt from the comic, but check out the entire comic for yourself. Spoiler Alert: Ruby gets in on the action too!
Operation Scorpius: The Legend of FX


... Return to article to continue reading.

I hope it is that good. I can get 3 i7 cpu's cheap to replace my i5 processors before I buy a BD:) Intel look for a price drop or you may drop some profits and FanBoys.

Disclaimer: I really don't care who is better as long as it is affordable. I do wan't better than what we have where calculations are concerned.

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311 messages 0 likes

This reminds me of the "Johnny Turbo" ads from the early 90's. :)

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19 messages 0 likes

Pedantic time: one of the first few pages says "At the end of the Sixth Decade in the Second Millennium..." So it's taking place around 1057-1060 A.D.? It's either that or a different calendar.

Other than that, it's silly and fun.

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67 messages 0 likes

Pedantic time: one of the first few pages says "At the end of the Sixth Decade in the Second Millennium..." So it's taking place around 1057-1060 A.D.? It's either that or a different calendar.

Other than that, it's silly and fun.

2069-2070 A.D.

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Avatar of Archer0915

"The Expert"

5,069 messages 232 likes

Does it matter? Long, Long Ago or Far, Far, Away or In The Not So Distant Future; who cares? It is a stoty.

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Avatar of Seebs

Fronting as a Mod Member

3,412 messages 0 likes

2069-2070 A.D.

Actually; that would be the 3rd millennium...
0 - 999 => 1st
1000 -1999 => 2nd
2000 - Today => 3rd


Does it matter? Long, Long Ago or Far, Far, Away or In The Not So Distant Future; who cares? It is a stoty.

And as Archer said... Who cares what millennium the story takes place in... All I care about is the actual release date for BD.

As for the comic itself, it was a fun ten minute read.... The illustration is much better than the actual writing; I like the style.

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67 messages 0 likes

Actually; that would be the 3rd millennium...
0 - 999 => 1st
1000 -1999 => 2nd
2000 - Today => 3rd


In comic years(I read comics so I know this)

0 - 999 => 0th
1000 -1999 => 1st
2000 - 2999 => 2nd

And as Archer said... Who cares what millennium the story takes place in... All I care about is the actual release date for BD.

As for the comic itself, it was a fun ten minute read.... The illustration is much better than the actual writing; I like the style.

Release date is July/August and Availability August and beyond

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19 messages 0 likes

In comic years(I read comics so I know this)
0 - 999 => 0th
1000 -1999 => 1st
2000 - 2999 => 2nd

Whoa whoa whoa, only programmers can start counting at zero like that. :) The rest of us get to start at 1. That's why this is the 21st century and not the 20th.

Does this detail really matter for the story? Not really, but it's nice when somebody gets something like this right. What's truly important is if this "core of master ninjas" has a theme song.

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Avatar of mjw21a


5,258 messages 6 likes

Meh, I'm waiting for 2013 before I upgrade again.... Their next gen APU's look extremely promising. Bulldozer is just an interim product, even if it is the first ground up redesign of their x86 chips.

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Avatar of Janus67

Benching Team Leader

17,507 messages 1,040 likes

Then they go, oh wait, reviews are in, nevermind. :cool:


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