AMD XP Bridge Soldering

It can be done, but not easy. — John Cinnamon.

L1 Soldered

I attached a few solder-bridge shots on an XP. I have an old Sony Mavica camera that doesn’t do close-ups very well. The Bridge & Detail shots are taken through the dissecting microscope. They’re not the best, but you get the point.


The bridge was done using the finest wire I could find from a HS fan power wire. They seem to be the thinnest for some reason. The soldering iron was an Ungar with a needle point. The key to all of this was using Silver-bearing solder – it seems to stick to the pads better.

L1 Wired

It’s important to note that the gold layer needs to be scraped off of the pads carefully with an X-acto knife, or the solder won’t stick at all.

John Cinnamon

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