Overclockers Benching Team member Bobnova, 8th ranked member on the Overclockers team, will be benching sub-zero live tonight!
Tune in to stage 1 at 7 p.m. EST for some overclocking with dry ice. Here’s the skinny:
- Mobo: Rampage III Extreme
- CPU: i7 980X
- RAM: SuperTalent Chrome
- Cooling: Dry ice on the CPU, air on the GPU
- Focus: Geekbench, SuperPi 32M, Vantage and potentially other 3D benches
- Click here to watch on Stage 1
- Date & Time: October 15, 2010, 7 p.m. EST
- He will finish when a) the dry ice runs out, b) something gets wet or c) he passes out.
Hope you can stop by and root him on!
–Jeremy Vaughan (hokiealumnus)
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