Cool That Monitor!

When it was time to upgrade to a better monitor a few years back, I went to the local Best Buy
to purchase a new monitor. A brand New KDS 19″ for ONLY (ha-ha)

Well, as luck would have it, it died about a year and a half later, but I was able to use the
3 yr warranty and got it replaced.

A year later, it’s been giving me some problems. It “snaps” and then the picture goes out.
Seems like a short to me. Kinda scary.

Well, just for giggles, I took my trusty A/C thermomiter and placed it on top
of the vent on the 75lb. 19″ beast.

HOLY SMOKE….125 degrees F after 2 hrs of use !!!

Someting needed to be done, big time!

So…I dug through my “box-o-parts” and found two .12A -4″ fans. connected
them together, and wired them into the P/S. I then used double sided, foam,
sticky tape (3M stuff) to mount it to the top of my monitor, above the vents.
This way it would pull the HOT air out of the casing. (The case has plenty
of holes in it, but on the top just below the vent is a metal “plate” with
holes in it . It seems to block the air from coming out.)

With the silent fans running, the current temp runs at 92 – 95 degrees, and
my $500.00 toy is no longer giving me ANY problems.

Just thought you might like to know, or have a good laugh.

(ED. note: It’s certainly a free-to-cheap attempt to fix. Even if it doesn’t work, you’re not out much, and if it does, you don’t have a monitor to replace.)

Email ChuckZ

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