Duke sent the following pics showing how he used readily available parts to build an inexpensive (I’ll confirm, but I would guess less than $50) but effective water cooled system. Damn fine job.
Hardware consists of an Abit BE-6 and a P3 450MHz running at 140MHz FSB for a total of 630MHz with crucial PC133 memory. The cpu stays about 86-89 degrees F depending on room temp; I’ve considered using a peltier I scavenged from a 12 volt powered cooler but I’m afraid of condensation. The pump I used is a Little Giant model# PSM-005 – 95 Gallons Per Hour (GPH) with 4′ maximum lift using 1/2″ or 3/8″ I.D. tubing.
I know it’s not much but I’m pretty proud of it and it was inexpensive.
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