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120 v fans anyone got any favorites?

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Feb 23, 2001
planning on running 120s front and aft and cant seem to find much info on noise etc.enermax 430 in the mail. Tell me if my logic is right in not wanting to tax the PSU with big ol, 120mm 12v,sand all the other stuff its going to run. any and all help is greatly appreciated.
i suggest getting a second power supply, to power just the fans if you don't want your main psu working overtime with the fans, i am by no means an expert, but then again if you have a 430 watt psu, i don't think slappin a few fanz on it won't hurt it much

on my sys i have a secondary 300watt psu powering just my fans, but then again i have 2 120mm, 6 80mm, and 2 100mm. and i'm adding a pielter next week, mmmmm........ freezer
With that PS there will not be any prob throughing a bunch of fans on it however I use a couple 120v fans myself not because I am afraid of taxing the PS but because of low noise. I have a couple of Radio Shack 120mm fans that are all metal including the blades. They are very high quality and best of all SILENT. If you take a look on my site you will see how I modified a PS and added a 120v plug inside the computer, I didn't want any extra power wires feeding the comp for the waterpump on my TBird 800@1102.
Belive it or not RAIDO SHACK sells some awsome 120v fans,,they have 2 sizes I use them for my raidator EXTREMLY QUIET!