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1440p 75Hz vs 4k 60Hz (32")

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Aug 27, 2003
Mississauga, Ontario
I wouldn't have to post this if the monitor was in stock, was supposed to get it for my birthday today, but in a way it's a blessing as maybe I should choose differently.

Before I go on, just to let you know, I currently run a 27" HP Pavillion, 1080P IPS panel, which I will keep as my second monitor, if needed, or give it to my dad for his laptop so he can watch his shows and movies.

Also, I'm running a single Radeon RX580 8Ghz

So, I was totally sold on the HP Omen 32, it is a 1440p 75Hz Freesync monitor, and I figure that would be a perfect fit for my video card, and also be the perfect size monitor for watching movies and tv shows, perhaps even be better than the IPS one I have now for deep contrast. As far as gaming, I think it may be not much different than what I have now,except higher resolution and better refresh rate, even with a VA panel.

But now that they didn't have the monitor in, I saw that 32" 4K 60Hz monitors are just a bit more money, but I don't really know what the bonus would be to get one? I mean I spend 3/4 of the time watching movies and show, the rest of the time is split between browsing and sometimes gaming.

If anyone can give me reasons as to why I would be better off with a 4K monitor when it comes to my main 32" screen, go ahead please.

That being said, if anyone has any reason to not get the Omen 32 let me also know, these same specs are also available from Asus, Acer and BenQ I think, but from my research I like the HP the best.

Lastly, would it be worth the extra cash to get the same size and res but IPS panel? It's at least $150 more for that, and really I don't even know if I want an IPS for my use. Yes, I know it's better for games but the amount I play, and the type I play (Skyrim and the like, Civ, maybe Tomb Raider etc.) I don't think an IPS would be that much better than VA, but most importantly, I've heard that movies and shows look better on a VA, and definitely I watch most of my stuff at night in darkness and I can see that blacks are never black on my screen (even though it's amazing in everything else).

Thank you for any information you may have for me.
You may want to read an article about bias lighting for monitors, it seems to apply in your case.
I dont think you'll be better off at 4k. Your GPU cant handle games there.

IPS is better than VA... it has more accurate color reproduction and viewing angles. Jve never heard of knew being better for 'movies'
I dont think you'll be better off at 4k. Your GPU cant handle games there.

IPS is better than VA... it has more accurate color reproduction and viewing angles. Jve never heard of knew being better for 'movies'

I know this applies more in comparison to TN panels but I've heard some "look down" on IPS for movies (and games as well - basically anything motion based) due to ghosting issues, could be what Trypt is referencing. But this may be carried over from the early days of IPS as personally I've never had any problems with them.
Me either. Don't get an ancient monitor with bad repsonse times and all is good. :)
The Omen has 5ms response time. And no, bias lighting will not help at all, it's a contrast issue. My current monitor is excellent, beautiful colours and texture, the only problem is the contrast, especially deep blacks, are basically grey, the bezel is far darker than the black bars in the movie (not part of the movie but part of the player).

I don't play many games, but I have heard that the new VA panels handle it amazingly anyway, and 32" IPS panels are much more expensive and only 60Hz.

I just wanted to know your opinion on the 75Hz option and 1440p, people seem to swear by the extra Hz and say it's very noticable even when talking about only a 25% increase (as opposed to 120 or 144Hz which I cannot afford and wouldn't help anyway cuz of my card).

Furthermore, I'll still have the 27" 1080p I have now so if any game doesn't quite work on the Omen I can always play it on my current monitor.

Guess I didn't get the answers I wanted.

One more thing, how are the video card prices now? Are there any AMD cards that are above the RX580 and in the $500 range that would definitely improve my situation as opposed to getting another RX580 for crossfire (not a fan of two vid cards).
I went from 60-144 and it is night and day. Not sure what 60-75 will yield.

The only card that is faster (worth the upgrade) is Vega 64. Its about as fast as a GTX 1080, but uses a lot more power. Not sure if that is worth it to you or not. I would check out the performance difference between the 580 and V64. :)

What answers are you looking for that we missed?
I just wanted to know, straight up, if there are any reasons at all to get a 4k 32" monitor (60Hz) as opposed to the 75Hz 1440p screen that I want, and how people generally view 1440p on a 32" screen (I currently have a 1080p 27" and it's fine, although I suppose I could see it even better). The PPI on the 1440p 32" is sufficient I hope, I think higher than my 27" even..

And secondly, I was hoping for more info on IPS vs VA than I find on the net, from personal experience. I have a IPS and am happy with it, but I hear VA have caught up in colour reproduction, may not be good in angle viewing (this doesn't matter to me), but is far better than IPS for contrast. So while I think it may be a step up for watching videos, especially HD movies/shows, I also hope the VA won't be too much of a hit for games and how they look. Even if there is no upgrade for games, I wouldn't want to sacrifice this, which is the main reason why I still haven't pulled the trigger on the VA 32" 75Hz 1440p HP Omen.
32" 1440p is getting a bit big for sitting right in front of. For that, stand in front of one at the store and see if the PPI is good enough.
4k @60hz is fine if you're watching a lot of 4k shows. Otherwise, I would opt for the 1440p@144hz in whatever size is appropriate for your viewing pleasure.
I have been debating between monitors as well. Ideally I want a 4k 30"+ 144Hz IPS but that isn't going to happen until next year based on what I read. I decided to bite the bullet on the LG 32GK850G-B. I saw the freesync version at Microcenter and it looked good. Its going to be replacing a 3007fpw.
Hey guys, I was just about to pull the trigger on the Omen 32, but then I saw this: LG 32GK650F-B (link: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Produ...&cm_re=monitor_75hz_32-_-24-025-915-_-Product

Man, yes, this one is half an inch smaller but it has everything the Omen has except it is 144Hz and it's a bit faster at 4ms (1ms gaming mode). Jeez, is this thing new or what, I haven't seen it before.

I'll wait to hear what you guys think before I buy it but for sure this is now on par, if not above, my Omen 32 choice (which was the clear winner from all the research I've done)

Oh, and it's a LG, can't be bad.. and has bias lighting built in, jeez, but that could mean it has contrast problems, lol, I hope not.

EDIT: Wow, I guess I got excited a bit too early, there is one downside, but not sure how relevant. The LG listed above is 8bit whereas the Omen is 10bit.
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The contrast lighting is just the back of the display can shine light onto the wall. I welcome the option as I do the same thing with RGB led strips on my other monitors.

The colors are good with no color banding and that was one of the first things I looked for. Not much color shift at angles. Gaming is a definite improvement coming from the 3007. Now I just have to get used to the smaller vertical resolution.
Vega 64 prices are way down, and should be a pretty solid improvement at 1440p, especially at 144 Hz. Especially at $450 or less. You'd be looking at GTX 1080 performance for what used to be 1070 pricing.
Thought so. That LG is nice. I kinda wish I had done a little more research when I bought mine as I should have got freesync as well. I don't game so it really doesn't matter to me.
Just to let you guys know, I went for the LG 32" 1440p 144hz monitor, and it is night and day. The best purchase I have ever made. Going from the 6bit+frc HP pavillion which was amazing IPS monitor at 27" I was worried about all the anti VA stuff, but man, there is no comparison. Truly, in games there's not much difference in how they look, of course they are better now due to increased res and better refrest, but colours and beauty is about the same.

But for everything else the new monitor is incredible. I don't know if I can ever go back to an IPS because while I do game, my main use besides productivity is as an entertainment system for HD+ shows and movies, and those now look ridiculously better. The contrast is so much better there is not even a debate. Space movies, or any movie which shows dark blacks, in any way, is amazing. I took it for granted that black just means grey with backlight shining through, because on an IPS, at night, watching a movie, the black bars even are light grey. So I thought that's the way it is. But NO! On this new baby the blacks are deep black, almost the same as the bezel itself at night, it's incredible. Watching a space movie or show on my old monitor seems like sacrilige now,lol.