I ordered an Eheim 1048 pump from DD and it came in 1.5-2 weeks. While i was waiting I went to a petstore and bought a cheap mag-drive pump for $23 bucks. I sealed it all up with Marine goop and attached a small resevoir to it and set it all up. It works great, moves a lot of water, but it is noisy, somewhat annoyingly noisy, but not like a Delta Fan.
Anyways, the other day I got my Eheim 1048 and I set it up with a small resevoir and started to run it....hmmm...nothing. It didn't seem to suck the water right away. What I had to end up doing was to kinda tilt the pump back so that the pump was below the water res so it would start pumping. After it got going and the air was pumped through, i noticed that the noise was next to none after the air was flushed. This was good so I fired up my computer and proceeded to run some CPU-warming utilities. After a half hour I shut my computer off and took off my $56 dollar pump and reattached the $23 pump. The eheim just wasn't moving enough water, and my temps rose 5C, a performance hit i was not willing to take for $56. I guess my Eheim will find a home in my AMD
[email protected] rig, but for the 1.6ghz its just not enough.
Again, this was the Eheim 1048... I probably should have got the 1250, but its so big i'd have a time getting it in my case. Nonetheless, it would have been money better well spent. If your at all interested in the pump i have now, its called a "CAP-800 Aqua Pump/Power Head" i got it at Pet ware-house, but you can get it online here for $15.50.
BTW, I'm using a Maze2 Water block and DD Cooling Cube as well.