Glaze: Your post kinda confused me, but here is what I think:
What I was thinking was take the yellow 12v wire, connect it to the positive of the fan, take the negative of that first fan, and connect the negative to the positive of another fan, and the negative of that second fan would goto ground for the 12v line.
That would give both fans 6 volts am I right?
Or I could run them in series having both fans positive connect to the yellow 12v wire, then have both their negatives connect to the red 5 volt line, giving me 7 volts each. Last time i tried, I got more airflow from a fan using just the 5 volt line and ground than 12v positive 5v negative. I might have done it wrong, or it was a crappy psu, but it didnt work that well for me, thats why I was resorting to 6 volts.
And anyways, every fan that I have played with worked at 5 volts, so I dont worry much if it will work at 6 volts or not.
Kusojiji: THANK YOU SO MUCH for finding that, I might purchase one to work with my 3/4 system.. hehe
rogerdugans: I will use one T at the top then, I was just wondering if two at the top would be worth it (IE: bleed time vs flow) And I can not use 4 fans in my design. And I dont wanna get a rheobus, I will just play with wires, or even just buy a single pot from radioshack or something.
And can someone explain NPT into more detail. Is the size of a NPT mean its inner diameter or something else. Like what is a 1/4 NPT thread. Heh, I dont know what im talkin about, I emailed d-tek and dangerden about my idea, and they said "Sorry but the largest fitting that can be used on the RBX are the ones we are now using (1/4" NPT threads) if we had 3/4" fittings they would be larger than the top on the block." Can someone help me with that?
Thanks for all who replied!