I was wondering...could they invent a new RAID mode, based on this:
You have 2 drives, same, X, size. They use striping to improve performance. They are used to read/write the data at any time.
At the same time, you have one drive, size 2X, that contains all data from drive 1 and 2, but unstriped, as a backup. He is only used in idle time to write all data on it, not for reading. In case one of the harddisks crashes, you have a backup. In case of heavy load, he can provide more speed by reading the data as well (kind of a three-drive striping then)
Like 2x 80GB striping thereby 1x160GB for the backup.
This doesnt save more space (overhead is still 100%), but it saves more money and space (the bigger drive is cheaper per Gbyte, and you dont have 4, but 3 drives), and it is faster in reading then RAID0 because of the 3-drive read option.
Theres also no need for parity or XOR or whatsoever chips, cause striping can be done by the most simple RAID adapter. The only thing to be programmed is the 'auto-backup' function on idle times, and the ability to read from 3 drives at a time.