Probably going for a re-paste as my temps seem pretty high.
Power limit 123%, +40 core +1000 mem (can go higher in 3dmark but crashes in games), reaches 89C in Cyberpunk.
Others have way lower temps.
Case is small, Meshify C, but there is a 140mm Noctua Industrial high CFM/flow intake directly in front of the card (albeit partly blocked by the GPU's plastic shroud but still providing additional air), plus a 120mm Noctua exhaust, both hooked up to the GPU connectors to run in sync. So small case but when the going gets tough additional air is supplied and extracted.
Plastic shroud also seems to run askew, very wide tolerances for a 2000,- GPU... smh :
So was thinking of replacing paste and pads, anybody experience with this ?
Power limit 123%, +40 core +1000 mem (can go higher in 3dmark but crashes in games), reaches 89C in Cyberpunk.
Others have way lower temps.
Case is small, Meshify C, but there is a 140mm Noctua Industrial high CFM/flow intake directly in front of the card (albeit partly blocked by the GPU's plastic shroud but still providing additional air), plus a 120mm Noctua exhaust, both hooked up to the GPU connectors to run in sync. So small case but when the going gets tough additional air is supplied and extracted.
Plastic shroud also seems to run askew, very wide tolerances for a 2000,- GPU... smh :
So was thinking of replacing paste and pads, anybody experience with this ?