well i cant aford a vapochill system, but, i planed on get a 172watt pelt , for free, could still get the 350 pelt (free), but thanks for ure info about water cooling ill look int to it all with my cousin who reparies medical equiupment, thats where i could get the pelt, maybe just maybe he could snatch me one of there coolers, for there pelts, u wouldnt believe the relations between a computer and some of there stuff., hmm interesting, maybe if i could find some way watercolling the pelt, i could get that duron up to 2ghz baby ya, i wonder if that'll float my boat, that would probabally be the fastest duron out there that i know of,all though i would accually want to use my computer, so it would have to be stable, and last for more that 5 min, but im getting a head of myself,for now a 24$ duron 700 at 1100mhz will do, thank you