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3DMark 2001/Radeon Problems

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Apr 9, 2001
I have an ATI Radeon 54MB DDR VIVO card, and it will only run the first test in 3DMark 2001, then it kicks me back to the desktop. I have tried e-mailing both Mad Onion and ATI, but they have given me no response. Any ideas??? All help will be greatly appreciated.
Make sure you are using the most recent official or special purpose drivers...the ones released with the card are not DX8 compatible and will not run 3DMark2K1.
I am using the newest special purpose drivers, and just for those of you who may question it, of course I have DirectX 8 installed! Any more idease??
i have the same card with a t-bird 900 o\ced on an abit kt7a with 256 megs of ram i have the latest driver 7075 from www.ati.com and i also use the radeon tweaker which i got from tweak files,which has a preset profile for 3dmark 2001 this works for me .before this i had the same problem as you good luck and post you score back here mine was 3289 at 640x480
OK, Ill give it a try. Why don't you run the DEFAULT benchmark, and post your score? Hey, why doesn't everyone do this????
I' have the newest version of RadeonTweaker (1.1.3) and there IS NO PROFILE for 3DMark 2001!!!! There is one for 3DMark 2000 but it makes no difference. Anyone have any GOOD ideas??
Card works damn nice in 3DMark 2000. Doesn't woork worth **** in 3DMark 2001.
Did you want the 3dmark2001 radeon profile for the Radeon Tweaker? I have it ready to "ship" if you need it.
my radeon tweaker does have the 3dmark 2001 profile and for you i unclocked my t-bird back to its original 900 on an abit kt7a 256 megs of ram and i ran 3dmark 2001 at default an scored a whopping 3090 marks it actually surprised me because without the tweaker and minus128 megs of ram i used to get a little under 1900 so dont forget to post you score back here as im just as curios as you.
HarderClock- What did you have your front side bus and memory set at? I noticed that bringing up the FSB and running at CAS 2 will get you a couple hundred points!
I think I was in the same boat as you, I scored right around 2000 at first, but started tweaking and got up to 3100. I Humus included my 3dmark2001 profile in a couple versions of his Radeon Tweaker program, but took it out in the latest versions for some reason. He did have his own profile for it, but I got about 100 pts less with it. (like it really matters anyway, HEHE).

Seems like the Radeon really dosn't care much about processor speed. Im running at 1050mhz, and I built a computer for a freind using the exact same board, memory, and video card, but we used a AXIA chip at 1.45 gigs and scored the same as my 1050. I thought that was weird, you would think 300mhz would make a differance but I guess not.

Watch your ATI driver version to be 7075!
New driver 71?? ( I don't remember) is "optimized for OpenGL & DX8" but it is still buggy. 3DM uses lastest card driver possibilities, this may lead to crash.
Use the 7099 drivers, they are the most stable of the lot, and I have tried em all from 7075 up.
AKDUDE (May 01, 2001 11:28 a.m.):
HarderClock- What did you have your front side bus and memory set at? I noticed that bringing up the FSB and running at CAS 2 will get you a couple hundred points!
I think I was in the same boat as you, I scored right around 2000 at first, but started tweaking and got up to 3100. I Humus included my 3dmark2001 profile in a couple versions of his Radeon Tweaker program, but took it out in the latest versions for some reason. He did have his own profile for it, but I got about 100 pts less with it. (like it really matters anyway, HEHE).

Seems like the Radeon really dosn't care much about processor speed. Im running at 1050mhz, and I built a computer for a freind using the exact same board, memory, and video card, but we used a AXIA chip at 1.45 gigs and scored the same as my 1050. I thought that was weird, you would think 300mhz would make a differance but I guess not.


well for the first time my computer is running at its regular 100 fsb and the radeon is not clocked either, as for the ram its not set aggressively because i just added a 128 meg stick of generic pc133 to my 128 megs of crucial cas 2 so i lowered the settings from turbo to fast and the latency is now at 3 and because im not overclocked the agp4x is on.i was surprised at the score the 3090 is what i would get at 16 but and 640x480 double buffer. i have tried a lot of things and i have never came close to to what i thought this card would do im probably going to put this card in my girlfriends pentium and get a kyro 2 when they come out.