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72W Peltier or higher?

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Feb 28, 2001
I have a cell633@1045 and i want to cool it further and hopefully squeeze that little bit extra out of it.
Now i'm going to go water cooled with a peltier, but what wattage?

Ive know that intels dont give out as much heat as Athalons etc and so wont need a huge 156W peltier to get decent cooling.

But i want to get super cool and be able to upgrade my CPU in the future and not have to fork out on a new peltier. I think ive just answered my own question...156W :)

But that will mean ordering from the USA (i live in the UK), as ive only managed to find a 72W supplier in the UK.

Nehooo let me know your thoughts please.

One other question, how do i work out the wattage of my current Celly. Its a voltage and degree C calculation isnt it? or is it?

Thanks in advance

The equation is Hoc=Hdef(Vnew/Vdef)^2(Snew/Sdef). Hdef=the defaut heat of your CPU which I'll guess is 15-16Watts more precise can be found on the Intel spec sheet for it. Vnew is your new voltage, Vdef is default voltage, and that "^2" is too the power of 2 or just square the answer in those brackets. Snew is your new CPU speed (1035), Sdef is your CPU's default speed (633). And that will tell you how many watts you are out putting.
I'm confused a little.
is Hoc=((Hdef(Vnew/Vdef))^2)(Snew/Sdef)

Not trying to be cute here, but it does impact the result. I may have been using the wrong formula all along.

Using a 56 watt pelt on my 566 @1030 mhz, under full load (running prime95 for an hour), the cpu temps would get no greater than 55 deg Fahrenheit. Dunno what that is celsius terms. Probably around 12-15 deg C. I used watercooling to cool the pelt.