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8 mounts Swiftech XT vs 8 mounts HK 3.0 all copper

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Thanks baditude...your ratios are similar on two blocks as one would expect, first is highest, then 2 middle, core 3 is lowest.
max temps XT....68, 65, 65, 63
max temps GTZ..70, 67, 68, 65

Since when I rotate my XT 180, core pattern changes, half block is cooling different then other half. I just scribbled temps down as I was in a hurry to check surface with topograph at work after seeing change...but reflection was not good enough to measure surface topography....then looked at insides thinking there might be some obstruction and found a difference there...need to go back and do few mounts with vertical and 180 vertical with non-lapped i940, just to rule out any other variables.

Though I already answered my main question, my HK performs better than my XT on my lapped cpu (HK was ~3C better than GTZ, so both perform better than GTZ), now interested in why core temp patterns change with XT, and why change again when rotating block 180. Clearly something is different between 2 halfs, and only visible difference is the very different milling channels split right down the middle. Top is small pins throughout, bottom is much thicker and some partially cut, almost like channels in some of bottom half areas that would allow water only one way.
YEah, that is very odd. And your pictures show it very well.
I understand what your problem is, and agree that the different milling could certainly be the major contributor.
Have you spoken to Gabe about it? He seems to be quite responsive to user's comments and requests.
I notice that the latest in the XT thread over at XS is Gabe pulling random samples and testing backplates based on someone's claims of sub par manufacturing. It's pretty amazing that they first pulled about a dozen or so random samples from Swiftech USA, then checked 200 more at their manufacturing facility just to be sure.
At this point it is just more of a curiosity. I thought my block must have been a production error from first few runs when first looked at it, but after googling around, looks like milling defects are pretty common in it. And worst case scenario the defects are only causing a degree or so temp wise, and most wont notice that. Unless, like me, they took time to accurately measure with equipment, and were expecting a degree or 2 in other direction comparing to my HK. But given the milling defects are common...not going to worry about it, just will stick with my HK cu, despite the annoying "thumb screws". Also from varying pressure on my HK and realizing their ideal pressure was not the best pressure for my particular cpu for best temps even before lapping it...I would really prefer a mounting system exactly like Swiftechs, except instead of a hard barrier, maybe some adjustable/removable barrier nut or clip that limited pressure for dummy proof, but then could be adjusted or removed for those who wanted to try varying pressure or for lapped cpus.
I'm gonna be sure to check my block interior when it arrives later this week. The easier install & prior good experience with Swiftech won me over to the XT. Heatkiller would look good on my Asus Sabertooth tho...
I bet you would beat the HK Cu temps if you mod the inside of the XT with a washer and silicone that was detailed in the Skinnee labs review. I just ordered one even though I have a heatkiller cu in my draw as I have no desire to completely remove and disassemble my pc. Should be a relatively easy install to swap the Fuzion block I currently have in there and recycle the backplate...
It might reduce temps overall...but with half block not milled well and raising temps by few C on one side, not that interested in using it. Even if could send it back, too lazy to do so when I might get similar base or even if not, temps wont be noticeably different, less than a degree either way.

As for silicone, I saw that, I will wait for Swiftech or HK to use 0 ring if it helps:p.

I am back to waiting for next revision of any block that is at least 1-2C better than what I am using. Going from fuzion to GTZ gained 1-2C and ~3C from GTZ to HK. From HK to XT was only non-gain, but fun to test nonetheless. Not that disappointed, sometimes you hit and sometimes you miss when you pounce early, 2 out of 3 is not bad.