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SOLVED 85W pelt from luefkentechnology....

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any one know how much ampare this pelt draw from ur psu?? i know it was rate @15.8V but couldn't figure out how much amp it draw!! i check out from te technology, the 80W plotter draw about 8A @ max but rated @16.1V!! another question is can enermax 431W PSU can handle 2 of those 85W pelt?? :) coz i ask those EE major student that if i need to supply 2 device which rate at 8A, the psu must be supply at least 16-17A!! is that true?? correct me if i'm wrong!! :)
TT120 (May 06, 2001 09:19 p.m.):
My Leuftkin 85 watt pelt draws about 7 amps at 12 volts.

thank, TT120...... :)
lightning (May 06, 2001 01:11 p.m.):
any one know how much ampare this pelt draw from ur psu?? i know it was rate @15.8V but couldn't figure out how much amp it draw!! i check out from te technology, the 80W plotter draw about 8A @ max but rated @16.1V!! another question is can enermax 431W PSU can handle 2 of those 85W pelt?? :) coz i ask those EE major student that if i need to supply 2 device which rate at 8A, the psu must be supply at least 16-17A!! is that true?? correct me if i'm wrong!! :)

watts = volt * amp
amp = watt / volt
85/12 = 7

So for two you need at least 14 amps available. So you must also add whatever for system is consuming too.
i plan to use another psu just for the pelts alone!! dual psu......hehehehe
Let me know your results please. I am ordering the 85W pelt kit (insolation). Are you running a water kit or using air? I was gunna use the pelt with my apha pep66 w/ delta. If that doesn't make a good impact on temps I'll start putting together a water system.
sure can!! well, i'm using air cooling with pelt!! my pelt was from leufkentec, 85W(like u do)!! i power it up by using 1 300W ATX PSU alone!! my hsf are alpha PAL6035 with delta 38!! th result are not significant!! it just won't go down to zero degree or lower!! depend on ambient!! normally like now the ambient temp are about 23C and i let the cpu at ideal. it drop down to 8C. if i load it will sisoft sandra, after 16 loop, it temp max out at 22C!! somebody told me he using 70W pelt can reach negetive temp at ideal!! seems like my got problem!!! all the reading are with P3 750@1Gig(MBM=2.10V)!! any thing more u want to know??? :)
That Alpha cant quite keep up with your pelt. If you were to water cool it you could reach sub zero temps. I did. I also tried it with my Alpha and got the same results you did. The cooler you can keep the hot side of your pelt the colder the cold side will get and the lower your CPU temps will be. I took mine off because of condensation problems.
that was the next step i want to do!! since school is coming soon, so i had a lot of time to dealing with it!! hehehehe!! thank so ur input, TT120!! ur word gainmy confidence to reach sub zero temp with my system!!! :)
watts = volt * amp
amp = watt / volt
85/12 = 7

So for two you need at least 14 amps available. So you must also add whatever for system is consuming too.[/quote]

NO ! NO ! NO!
The rating of a pelt is not the power it draws but the heat energy it can transfer at a Delta T of 0 (Qmax)
The actual power consumed by a 85W pelt would be about 140W (Vmax x Imax). To get the maximum cooling out of a pelt you need to run it at 'Vmax' (about 15-16V usually) and the PSU needs to be rated for at least 'Imax'.
Please people make sure you know what your talking about before you offer advice.
TT120 (May 07, 2001 01:15 p.m.):
I measured the current my 85 watt pelt draws at 12 volts and it was 7 amps.

TT120, That is about right.
Your pelt will be rated for Qmax of 85W at approx 16Volts and around 10Amps.
Now if you reduce the voltage to 12 V then
due to Ohms Law your current will also drop (V=I x R) so at 12 V your pelt will indeed draw around 7Amp. But (and this is the big one) the cooling capacity will only be around 65W. Now you don't have to believe me take a look at this which I copied from the www.millesec.com site:

40mm, 84 watt TEC, potted, with 4 pin Molex Connector(AMP part). Will work with most good quality 300 watt power supplies.

DTmax=68 deg. C
40x40x4.8mm (size)

Note: Peltiers are usually rated at 15-16v so when running them at 12 volts the power requirement is less.

This peltier at 12 volts runs at about 65 watts and is able to dissapate the heat from a processor putting out close to 65 watts
[End Quote]

I don't entirely agree with the above quote because in my experience you need a pelt rated at close to twice the heat load from the cpu, but it illustrates my point.

Best place to find out how pelts tick is the people who make the things so have a read here; http://www.tellurex.com/resource/txfaq.htm , but be warned, it's heavy going.