@op, considering you're running 1080p, that puts more limitations on your CPU than GPU. I don't think you will have any visceral benefits of getting a gtx 1080 over even a gtx 1060. With your rig and demands, theres not much reason to go the 1070/1080 route with out either a) going up in resolution, or B) getting a new platform all together.
I like to game on amd and have since way back when gta 3 first came out and pentium 3 cost $700-900 and the k8 or k7 was $250. I know intel rule the single thread world but multithread is a very close game and there are only a few non optimized games I've run into issues with like 'the evil within' where I can't get 60fps even with an overclocked 1070 but most games I'm running 2160p @ 144hz (thanks to dsr) and I don't mind the missing fps.
Cpu is amd fx 8350 @ 4.64ghz, 3ghz ht and 2.55ghz nb, Silverstone Heligon cpu cooler, Msi 990fxa gaming mobo, SLI asus strix gaming 1500mhz core gtx 1070's, 16gb ddr3 2133mhz ram with slight oc, a Thermaltake Core v71 case, EVGA 1000watt g2 supernova, and 19 total fans including 5 silverstone fhp141's.
What games are you rocking 144fps with a 1070 on 4k? League of legends???
The games you play and resolutions you play them at are the deciding factors here. In MOST modern titles, Intel is unequivocably the king (at least until zen comes about). We get it. You enjoy your AMD processor. Thats fine. OP already owns a 9590, thats fine too. No one here is gonna say "its a bad chip".
Whats not fine is the "AMD is just as good as intel" rhetoric that you're spewing. Its both ridiculous and painfully incorrect. For pretty much every game made since 2012, Intel is absolute king. Personally speaking, I saw a HUGE increase in performance swapping to intel, and I had a "god chip" 8320 that would hit 5.0ghz at 1.4v. Is AMD acceptable? Absolutely. Good as intel? Lol...no. That said, no one really cares one way or another what forum you left for whatever reason, give it a rest. We will (and always have) recommend the BEST solutions (usually as a group too); and right now, the best solution isn't even close to AMD.
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The only reason not to recommend amd is that the socket hasn't seen an upgrade in 5 years
(it has been around for 5 years) it is being developed for much more commonly now
Also wrong.
It is not the fastest route, but it is customizable, overclock friendly, and works with everything you want it to.
I am told the difference is about 20% between amd and intel for fps, I think with my multiple oc's though the difference is less.
So... its slower, more expensive (after you factor in cooling, power and motherboard REQUIREMENTS), has less I/O, lower features, fewer PCIE Lanes, lack of feature support, again SLOWER, FAR more inefficient, and generally inferior product than an i5 setup.... but you still recommend it? WHY?