I'm looking for the best way to cool my ASUS GeForce2 V7700 32mb Deluxe. The fan broke and i need to replace it, you guys got any thoughts on what would work best with it?
Thanks Doug
I'm using a Blue Orb to cool my vid card. I did the mod in which you add a cooper plate to the bottom of the borb and I'm very pleased with the results.
The mod is in the main page here.
I put a 50 mm Delta on a standard Intel HS and that works very well. I tdoes take up two pci slots though so make sure that you have enough space. I also used some silver epoxy from millisec.com that works well too. Just make sure that you have some way to catch the HS in case it falls off so that it does not ruin the cards under it. I used some wire to hold it.
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