Let me tell you all about it...
I originally clipped off the excess capton on the tip of the strip, very carefully with a sharp pair of diagonal cutters. I didn't want to crush the thermistor, so I only cut it so close. The fact that there was still a small amount of capton left, on the tip, got to bothering me, so I put a fresh blade in my X-acto knife and tried to slice it off. The Jewelers loupe kept falling out of my eye and I tried to do it without it.
If anyone has one of these units and the display is bad, let me know. I have a display without a thermistor.
I ordered a new one and it should be here by Tuesday.
In the mean time, I am back to using the one I drilled the hole in the HSF base for. Dumb Dumb Dumb!
Yes, to be absolutely safe, you should push it in to butt up against the core with the HSF already in place. That way, you can rest assured that it will not impede the mating of the HSF base and the core. You can tell if you are making it all the way to the core by retracting it and looking closely at the tip. There will be a smidgeon of AS on the tip from where it exuded out around the perimeter of the core. Put it back in and once you feel confident that you have it where you want it to be, put a dab of hot glue on the zip cord, right where it passes out from beneath the edge of the HSF. I tacked mine to the mobo. Another fellow had a good idea of taping it to the ceramic to immobilize it. You would want to use a tape that is resistant to heat making the adhesive break down. IE, not Masking tape, not Duct tape, Not Scotch tape. This goes without saying, but make sure the tape you use is very thin. You only have .015 inch to spare under there.