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AGP card.

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Feb 2, 2001
Guys anyone can give some suggestions on a not so expensive AGP card which uses the GF2 MX chipset. Anyone has any reviews on the Suma GF2 MX AGP card 32mb SD ram?
I got an Abit GF2MX 32MB DDR for my bro's computer for under £100 a few months ago, and it overclocks like a dream. I haven't seen any DDR versions on sale for a month or two, only SDR versions (from all maufacturers). At least over here in the UK pretty much all manufacturers do some basic GF2MX SDR model for 80-90 quid, so you might as well pick the cheapest. I tend to trust asus and abit cards myself - I've never had any problems, and they oc pretty well in my experience. Guillemot also have a good rep - pointing you to a particular model is hard as there's so many out there, but if you get one from one of those (preferably DDR if you can find it).
I would really suggest the oem raddion 32mb ddr over the geforce 2 mx. Same price but memory bandwidth is what limits graphics cards now a days so the ddr will kick the mx's but. Not to mention the radeon keeps pace with the gts cards.
I got my suma 32mb DDR GF2 GTS today. Gotta see how it works