Sorry, wrong forum -- meant to be in 'Video Cards'.
My experience with AGP video cards is very limited -- I've always had PCI cards. Yesterday I ran into a ton of trouble with an AGP card... but first the machine specs:
System A:
Celeron 600, ASUS CUV4X, 128mb PC100.
System B:
Celeron 300A (slot 1), Delta mobo, 96mb PC100.
(Neither system overclocked and non-essential cards -- sound & network -- removed.)
I picked up a low-end ATI Rage IIC AGP 8mb card to replace a PCI card. I installed the card but could not get the machine (system A above) to boot (BIOS beep codes indicated video error). I put the AGP card in a 2nd system (system B) to try it. Same error. Thinking the card was defective I took it back to the shop. They put it in a machine and it came up no problem.
OK, back home. After about an hour of fiddling with BIOS settings and switching back and forth between the AGP and the PCI cards, I finally got the AGP card to post in System B. The pertinent settings seems to be (1) PCI/DMA resource allocation set to manual instead of auto, and all resources configured for PCI instead of ISA; (2) 'Halt on' set to 'No errors'. If I change either of these the machine won't post.
But I still haven't been able to get the card to post in System A -- after another two hours of making BIOS changes and swapping between AGP and PCI cards.
Are AGP cards usually this finicky about posting?
Any ideas what the problem may be (still won't post in system B)?
Am I just dumb?
My experience with AGP video cards is very limited -- I've always had PCI cards. Yesterday I ran into a ton of trouble with an AGP card... but first the machine specs:
System A:
Celeron 600, ASUS CUV4X, 128mb PC100.
System B:
Celeron 300A (slot 1), Delta mobo, 96mb PC100.
(Neither system overclocked and non-essential cards -- sound & network -- removed.)
I picked up a low-end ATI Rage IIC AGP 8mb card to replace a PCI card. I installed the card but could not get the machine (system A above) to boot (BIOS beep codes indicated video error). I put the AGP card in a 2nd system (system B) to try it. Same error. Thinking the card was defective I took it back to the shop. They put it in a machine and it came up no problem.
OK, back home. After about an hour of fiddling with BIOS settings and switching back and forth between the AGP and the PCI cards, I finally got the AGP card to post in System B. The pertinent settings seems to be (1) PCI/DMA resource allocation set to manual instead of auto, and all resources configured for PCI instead of ISA; (2) 'Halt on' set to 'No errors'. If I change either of these the machine won't post.
But I still haven't been able to get the card to post in System A -- after another two hours of making BIOS changes and swapping between AGP and PCI cards.
Are AGP cards usually this finicky about posting?
Any ideas what the problem may be (still won't post in system B)?
Am I just dumb?