Heya all... I'm currently looking to purchase some high-quality (and expensive) fans for my system. The first priority I have with them is that they be *quiet*.
Therefore, my current plan is to replace my power supply fan with one which is rated to move 27CFM @ 19dBA out of the machine, and have a 9cm fan at the bottom front of the machine pulling in 36CFM @ 23dBA. I also want to place a 6cm 15CFM @ 19dBA fan on top of an ALPHA PAL6035 (interfaced to my Duron 700 with Arctic Silver).
I am wanting to do some experimenting with overclocking, and want to know if this arrangement is going to be inadequate for proper cooling of my system.
Also, is the fact that inflow is 9CFM greater than outflow going to cause many problems? Does it screw with normal operation of the fans?
Okay, I know that the proper way for me to find all this out is just to try it, but these fans (Papst) are expensive, and it's very difficult to get them retail, so I want to try to get it right first time.
Thanks for your help.
Therefore, my current plan is to replace my power supply fan with one which is rated to move 27CFM @ 19dBA out of the machine, and have a 9cm fan at the bottom front of the machine pulling in 36CFM @ 23dBA. I also want to place a 6cm 15CFM @ 19dBA fan on top of an ALPHA PAL6035 (interfaced to my Duron 700 with Arctic Silver).
I am wanting to do some experimenting with overclocking, and want to know if this arrangement is going to be inadequate for proper cooling of my system.
Also, is the fact that inflow is 9CFM greater than outflow going to cause many problems? Does it screw with normal operation of the fans?
Okay, I know that the proper way for me to find all this out is just to try it, but these fans (Papst) are expensive, and it's very difficult to get them retail, so I want to try to get it right first time.
Thanks for your help.