I recently bought a TP-Link WDR-3600 which has 2 usb 2.0 ports on it. I want to connect my printer and an external HDD to the router. My current external HDD is old as dirt so I want to make sure I make the right choice when upgrading. I looked around a bit for a usb 3.0 port on a router and was only able to find them on routers in the 100+USD range so I just stuck with this 55USD router. I've seen some adapters for internal HDD's that convert data to USB. My questions are would buying a 7200 rpm sata III drive and one of these 3.0 usb (hopefully backwards compat) adapters be a better buy in sense of price/performance over a usb 3.0 HDD in the 1-2 TB range? Would I get better transfer rates via USB 3.0 when directly connecting HDD+adapter to a pc over a normal external usb 3.0 HDD? Is this even possible