Just built 2 systems this weekend specs are as follows...A64 3200 on a MSI K8N Neo2 with 1gig DDR, SATA drive and a BFG 6800GT (AGP)...second system is a A64 3000 on a MSI K8N Neo4 with 1gig DDR, SATA drive and Powercolor 800XL PCIe Video card...wanted to see if there would be any improvement over my personal system which consists of [email protected] and a Radeon 800Pro....so I ran the latest version of FutureMark just to see...ran like crap!! I'm no novice so I make sure I have the latest drivers tried again and same results...so I tried ripping and converting a DVD and no kidding my personal system ripped and converted the DVD 20 minutes faster than the others!!! No way a RAID array should make that much of a differnce right? So I'm second guessing myself by..I must have messed up somewhere...verify everything is as it should and install Tribes Vengeance and Far Cry which these video cards should have no problems with...and no matter what res I run at I have stuttering and hesitations!!!! I'm really confused now so I'm here for help....on paper these two systems should be at least equal to or spank my personal system....am I expecting too much? What or where could I possible have gone wrong with these? Did I steer the buyers of these in the wrong direction?