I ordered My 1.2 266FSB processor it ships on the 5th,I was told that all the 266fsb chips will be identified this way.Std 200 bus will be A1200Bla Bla
A 266 FSB will be 1233 Bla Bla.
{Bla BLa being the remainder of whatever numbers come after the first 4}Has anyone seen this or can you confirm it ?Also I am curious as to Any good prices anybody is aware of on the 1.2 266 FSB{Hope I dident pay to much lol !!
A 266 FSB will be 1233 Bla Bla.
{Bla BLa being the remainder of whatever numbers come after the first 4}Has anyone seen this or can you confirm it ?Also I am curious as to Any good prices anybody is aware of on the 1.2 266 FSB{Hope I dident pay to much lol !!