Hi, first off this is my first try at overclocking my rig. I've got a Phenom II 1050T, with 16 GB corsair vengance, running on a Asus Crosshair V Formula (latest bios). I got to 3.5 relatively easily using the FSB as my processor has a locked multiplier. At this point I ran prime for 5+ hours without any problems. Set this as a profile in bios, re-enabled all power saving features and tested again. All good till I tried to put my computer to sleep. Windows goes to sleep, but the computer stays running. If I hit the power button for 5 seconds, sometimes it will hibernate, sometimes it will come back from sleep, sometimes blue screen. I asked some questions on another forum about how to fix the sleep problem I couldn't find an answer. I did however get some help to get it to 3.7 then 3.8 all temps are good and prime runs stable for 20 - 30 min runs. (haven't tried passed that) Past 3.8 looks like a wall. The thing I notice though is the further I push the overclock the more symptoms I get from the sleep problem. At 3.75 and 3.8 sometimes the computer doesn't want to shutdown, same thing as sleep. Monitors go off, usb goes out, but computer stays running with fans and lights. Holding the power button will shut it down. After pushing to 3.8 and above I had to revert to my last saved profile @3.7 because I couldn't get it stable. Now if I clear cmos and run at stock settings everything works as it should, sleep, shutdown, restart..... Comparing settings reveals that all power saving features are set the same on both profiles. Anyone have any ideas on what is going on here? I should also mention that bois reported voltages and cpu-z voltages don't match. Bios says stock v-core is 1.44 v, cpu-z says something like 1.28. @ 3.7 with a + offset of .00675 cpu-z says 1.344 for v-core. I think thats everything I can think of now. Any one have any ideas what's going on? Nobody at the other place can seem to think of anything other than, "disable sleep".