So AMD hasn't been putting out a good product? I smell some fanboy in this post.
Nope. AMD has been second in a two man race since the Core architecture came out in like 2006. The only thing that has changed with Ryzen is instead of the CPUs being 40% behind in IPC, its now a few percent behind. AMD chose to go the more cores route, which is fine, and forward thinking, but, how far ahead to where that REALLY matters? At least until Zen2 (not Zen+) IMO. We are fine now with 4c/8t CPUs in mainstream and will be for a couple of years, yet. So, no... in the past, it wasn't a good product comparatively. Now, they finally have something competitive.
Also, what you may have missed here in his post is he said AT THE SAME PRICE POINT. Unless a user actually needs the cores, at the same price, the Intel CPU is superior in most every way. About the only place it isn't is cost per core. Which, again, who cares you have 8 cores when you only utilize 4?
First off AMD has managed to compete fully, If not then why is AMD still on the tongs of everyone?
Compete fully? You may want to define what compete means... as finishing last in a race also means you competed. Being a bit less tongue (not tong) and cheek, they are solid CPUs, Zen, no doubt about it. But they are second in most races. To that end, if it was truly a superior chip, they wouldn't be forced to undercut Intel pricing for the same amount of cores/threads.
IBM chips being any where at all in the PC market and hardly in the server market.
Perhaps consider understanding what kind of chips IBM and others are putting in the market and see if that is an apples to apples comparison for consumers. IBM and Sun are players in the server market. I was in Mainframe and DC Operations for a huge water utility and Amazon Web Services (tech at AWS). I have an idea of what goes in Data Centers and for what reason.
We use them all the time to do judge who's Eppen system is the fastest and really that is all it comes down to. I have a score higher than yours because my system is so tuned I can hit them scores.
WHo does that? Maybe that is how it feels in your world, not sure others feel the same way. Both, NOW, have viable chips. AMD has more cores, but lags a bit in IPC, clockspeed, and overclocking headroom... it does cost less.
What I am saying is when all you do is build a system to produce the fastest benchmark scores at the very limit of each and every hardware component then post it and say see look!!!!! My Epeen score is so huge!
I do not see the point to than but then again you "all" seem to, For 99% of the average user it is name recognition and that is all. If AMD just did some real advertising they would get more market.
You did join This is not, What do you expect from us? We have a benching team, we benchmark, we are the demographic looking for that last 1%!!!!!!! We help users out well here with asking their budget and system users then suggest a system which works for that specific user. Sometimes its AMD, sometimes it is Intel based...
No one ever hears about IBM or Oracle now do they?
That's the second time you mentioned IBM or others. Do tell why you believe these other players are important to consumers in the x86 market please....
Please lets try to keep an open mind about this. Again in my honest opinion, When you set out to build a benchmarking computer tax your hardware run it at max out put for benchmarking then post how good it is against what you have to me that is Epeen.
So what? If you don't like it, that's OK! Its no different than modding a car to go faster and have bragging rights at the track. But really, considering you joined a track (OCF), yet seemed to be offended when people talk track at the track, the comments feel a bit off here since this is where all the talk, prep, and 'racing' is done.
Is one better than the other?
That is a matter of perspective and how you build and setup the OS. IMHO. As even slight changes in the OS can affect most benchmarks as well.
Yes, one is better than the other. By how much of course varies. A 'slight OS change' can affect benchmarks, sure, but I don't understand your point as any review worth anything uses the same OS and settings.
Thing is the system was no better and no worse than AMD's offering at the time, I set out to build a benchmark gaming system. Even the OS was tuned for performance.) I mean lets face it a Video card vs SLI or Crossfire? Benchmarks change dramatically depending on video car(s) used. And that reflects on the score biglly!
Bigly?? Is that a word? I don't get the point of your SLI/Crossfire analogy. Please elaborate more clearly please.
LOL, trickson..... the Q9650 was much faster than anything AMD had out at the time. K10 and Bulldozer wewre both slower.
Brother, TPU may humor you, but you won't find the same oblivious people here en masse. My suggestion is for you to take your OWN advice and be open minded. You don't seem to want to hear anything about someone being better than your precious AMD.... that is, depending on the time of day and website. Its funny because, there are posts at TPU of you saying how "slow" your Ryzen is, yet here, its the next best thing since sliced bread??? Are you trolling here? It sure feels like it as less than two weeks ago, you mentioned this about your Ryzen CPU.....................
Utterly Sorry and Pathetic! Total waste of time and money!
you name it. poor weak not good.
look fine? a 6 year old i5 i7 and i3 smoke mine so yeah this CPU sucks!
Not much from AMD to be sure. The only way this CPU could get any faster is if it dies and comes back as a slug!
First off the hype and all the "good" stuff said about the AMD Ryzen ON TPU and other sites is the reason I went with the system! Do not precieve to think I went into this ignorant at all! I was told and by all the scores I seen that this CPU was better than a core i7 this thig can't even begin to compete with ANY Intel's Quad cores! I use Quad cores ONLY for Gaming. It is pointless to use anything with more cores.
I am in NO way seeing any of the speeds that I was told I would see! It is just not there! I have run the tests I have OC this to the MAX! The ONLY thing left is to max out the RAM modules with the MAX number and speed see if that will boost this CPU.
NO but surely it would compete with a 6 year OLD LINE FOR ****Z SAKE! And NO matter HOW you stack it the AMD LINE ALL of them so far are sub-par performance platforms. Far from the Intel offerings even there GPU line is a getto budget build! Never buying AMD again! I have proff and you can't see it? I have run the tests even in Cinabench My system gets walked on by a 6 year old LINE! WTF! 6 YEAR OLD CPU blows mine away? I am at a loose for emotion support I got kicked in the NUTS! And now my gut actually hurts! I can actually feel buyers remorse and I now feel the pain others have buying crap tech.
Amazing how just two weeks ago it was a monumental dud through and through, yet here, a couple days ago, its "smoking fast" and will "dominate"...