I can understand your fears Balrog, and I don't expect from you to mod your motherboard. To anyone who wants to try this mod, i think that is nothing to be afraid. You only have to solder a wire to one pin of IC Q36 and secend wire to any GND poin on MB. Then to those wires you have to solder regulated resistor - 2.2K Ohm. Those wires can be removed without leaving any trace od moding the motherboard. Also, this mod can be done with some soft pencil (B2), you have to apply graphite on resistor which is located nearby pin one of IC Q36 and DIMM1. When I was trying that, I did't have soft enought pencil so I was able to get only 0.05V higher.
Here is some picture od wire soldered to IC, sorry for bad quality, I had to take it in case under desk.