Haha, I wouldn't go so far as to say I have it overclocked that well. Woomack on the other hand seems to be a Vega master. Right now I have only been using the stock 150% power slider for 300W. I had been running my overclocks for various power targets (150W for folding, 250W for general gaming, 300W for benching) with the highest max clock speed I could obtain without crashing or artifact. For these various power targets, I keep the 150% slider, but undervolt mainly P6 and P7 in Watt Man. I don't touch P1-P5. Also not sure if this is correct.
That said it appears that I am doing it incorrectly, and what you really want is a stable line in WattMan for your clock speed. In other words a lower clock that doesn't bounce around is more desirable. So that's what I'm working on now. In other words if I can set 1660MHz at 1100mV and hit it once every 30 seconds, but also drop to 1430MHz once every 30 seconds, probably not as good as a set 1600MHz that stays there. That's what I'm trying to dial in right now. I don't fully understand how all of this works though, I'm trying to break out of my 15 year old mindset of set it, run it.
Edit: the reason I choose 250W for general gaming is that at 300W my fan speed is higher than I would like. So the performance to noise benefit of those extra watts just isn't there for me right now.
Edit 2: Check out
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