"We know an offer like the free 1&1 Professional Hosting Package for 3 full years makes most people wonder what the catch is. How can 1&1 give away a service like that? Well, there is no catch! See our Promotion FAQ or our T&C for details. Be sure: There is no set up fee and the monthly fees are waived for a period of 36 months!"
Hosted on I/O optimized own 1&1 Linux version
500 MB web space
5,000 MB/month traffic ($.99 per GB for additional traffic)
No limits on simultaneous hits/bandwidth
Protected by firewall
Continuous backups of your website
99.9% Uptime guarantee
Website features:
Advanced live site statistics, log files, ready-to-run CGI-library, own CGI programming (Perl, Python), FrontPage 2002 extensions
Advanced Password Protection
5 FTP accounts
Proxy SSL Secure Server
Cron Jobs
SSH Secure Shell Access
Advanced Developer Tools
Newsletter Tool
One-on-one online dialogue
Turn-key web database applications
Domain names:
Register or transfer .com/.net/.org/.info for just $5.99/year
50 subdomains (e.g., shop.yourDomain.com)
Point up to 100 external domain names to 1&1
Free template loaded online WebsiteCreator
Free full version of Fusion 7, search engine registration, ranking, optimization
Total software worth $300
1&1 Control Panel
E-mail handling:
50 POP3 e-mail accounts (50 MB each)
Catch-all e-mail addresses
Auto-responders, unlimited forwarding.
1&1 Advanced WebMail
Symantec virus scanner
1&1 Express support by e-mail