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Any one try the K7S6A

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Shadow ÒÓ's after me!!!
Jan 13, 2002
Suisun City Ca. I love this Town
Anyone try the K7S6A Yet? I just bought one and wonder what you have to say about them. Havent got it together yet though. Here is what it will be when together. I have these items at hand. What do you think?

k7s6a duron 1200
256 kingston ddr 2100
aopen gf2ti200 64meg ddr
maxtor 20g 7400
realtec lan card

Edit Well its up and running and seems to be pretty quick. I havent tried any oc yet though I did pencil the cpu before I covered it. It has the award bios with quit a few tweaks avalible ie vcore vdimm fsb and jumpers for multiplier on mobo.

PS... only $6 more then the k7s5a @ local comp show.
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Well if anyone is interested I did a oc on this board. Just a small one as a test. cpu 112 fsb 112. All is runnig fine. Temps with a volcano 6cu+ are 30 idl and 38 loaded. Core volts @ 1.75
hey, i have the same board (see sig)

how hot is your northbridge running? i was runing 150fsb but the northbridge felt like it was heating up pretty quick.

Thanks, Digital
To be honest I dont know the chipset temps. The board is stable. Though the other day it was about 85* F here in Calif. and boy did the cpu get hot. CPU temp was up to 48c w/ a volcano 6cu+ hsf after 6 hrs @ 100%.
Actually I cant get the thing to OC hadly at all. every time I try to up the fsb over 112/112 it wont post then I have to clear cmos to get it going again. I havent messed with it much but I plan to start tinkering with it soon. Any suggestions.

Heres my rig
k7s6a w/ duron 1.2 stock bios
Volcano 6cu+ hsf
256 pc2100 (kingston)
aopen gf 2 ti 64m ddr
maxtor 20g 7200
Sony 16x dvd
Sony 52x cd-rom
d-link nec
have u unlocked your cpu?

that may be the reason why u cant get higher fsb

unlock the cpu, lower the multiplier, raise the fsb, then raise the multiplier.

that's what i did, the fastest fsb i used was 150 and a multiplier of 6 (900Mhz)

No I have'nt unlocked the cpu yet. I just got 2 new tubes of as3 and here I go. I'll let you know how it works out

BTW did did you also up the vcore to max? I think it is 1.85 @ max correct?
Well I booted up to 143/143 but it is pretty hot today and I couldnt go any higher then that. I ran 4 loops of Sandra burnin and the temp went up to 49c.I didnt like that too much. Its cooled down a bit but I think I'll wait for a cooler time to try again for 150. I set the multi @ 9.5 and vcore @1.8. Is there any way to up the ram volts on this board? I dont see anything in the manual.

edit; I have a older bios dated 1-9-02. I'm off to search for a newer one. Thanks
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