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Anybody having luck with a FOP 32-1?

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Eil Atan

Jun 20, 2001
I am using a GlobalWin FOP 32-1 on my system right now. My temps aren't aweful but their pretty bad I think. Is there any way to optimize this HSF or should I just go buy a Glaciator, which, from what I've read, is the best on the market? My temp is 51C at full load...
My system is doing OK with my FOP 32-1 and the stock YS-Tech Fan. Like you they aren't great, but they aren't that bad either. I think one of the golden gate (gladiator) type HSF will be my next purchase in that respect. It's not like the FOP32 can't take what I am giving it right now, but I can't take it over where I am without more cooling and I am sure this thing will go into the 1.4 range. I am tempted to just see how a Delta fan will make a difference on the unit if any. When I order my gladiator (or whatever) from that SVC place people have been ordering from, I will get it with the Delta fan just so I can experience the annoyance first hand! ;-)

i use a fop 38. same heatsink i think but with different fan? at least thats how it looked when i compared to friends fop 32. anyways, the fops kinda suck for real high temps on tbirds. mine will *run* my 1.o at 1.3, but the temps get kinda hot and it's semi unstable. if i weren't gonna upgrade mobos/cpu/ram soon and do watercooling i'd definetely get a glaciator to knock down those temps. a friend of mine got one and i'm really impressed with it.
krakerman (Jul 10, 2001 01:43 a.m.):
i use a fop 38. same heatsink i think but with different fan? at least thats how it looked when i compared to friends fop 32. anyways, the fops kinda suck for real high temps on tbirds. mine will *run* my 1.o at 1.3, but the temps get kinda hot and it's semi unstable. if i weren't gonna upgrade mobos/cpu/ram soon and do watercooling i'd definetely get a glaciator to knock down those temps. a friend of mine got one and i'm really impressed with it.

Mines @ 1.33 and perfectly stable for sure, but like I said, I wouldn't trust it to go any higher that's for sure.

The one good thing with the YSTech Fan is that it seems to be pretty consitent, the temps don't go wildly all over the map at the first sign of processor use.

If I do remember right the 38 is just the FOP32 with a Delta or similar fan.

I have an FOP-32 and I would not recommend it for a CPU running more than about 65W. IE Duron running 1G @ 1.85Vcore or Tbird 1.33 @ 1.7Vcore. Even then, you need excellent case ventilation.

It worked fine on my celeronII-600 but seemed overloaded on my duron 800@1000. Guess that goes along with what the others said.
I currently have one on my 1.33 Tbird while I "get around " to mounting the waterbottle. My temps are in the 38-42C area. I also have two 120mm Sunons blowing in the direction of the heatsink. That might have something to do with my temps. I like the fop32, it was cheap and does the job.