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Anybody who plays Counter-Strike

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That isnt going to get anywhere. Im one of the 1.4 beta testers and the jumping reriction was put there for a reason, to prevent lamers from bunny hopping and to make it more realistic. after all thats what all the cs freaks are saying what makes the game so good.
If you dislike the new jumping then you are one of the bunny hoppers, if you are a normal player then it shouldnt bug you.
That petition isnt going to change valves mind.
CS 1.4 beta

New jumping = 1)slows you down while in the air. 2) shooting while airborne throws off accuracy bad.

This right??????
ive beta tested 1.4 its a public beta... i dont know its a bit hard to fight against awpers though... if they are going to do this to jumping then i think they need to make the awp weaker... even though i love the awp and use it a lot..
Re: CS 1.4 beta

Arkaine23 said:
New jumping = 1)slows you down while in the air. 2) shooting while airborne throws off accuracy bad.

This right??????

Cool... And accurate. can you really imagine trying to shoot an AK-47 from midair? The recoil would send you flying, esp with no brace. 8)

I have no problem with limited jumping... but I hate how you're slowed down when u land...

I hate bunny hoppers and all, but jumping is neccesarry...

for example.. I've got an mp5... I know the guy is round the corner... so I leap out do 90 degree turn, and land shart shooting and TRYING to strafe... next thing I know I'm chugging.. and I get hosed!!

I say limit the number of jumps u can have per second, but what's with the slow landing crap...

oh and another thing I've noticed, is liek that headshot box has become the size of a TV on your head... even the most n00biest ppl score hs's left and right..

when I first started, I thought everyone was cheating cuz it's headshot mayhem...

nope the game just blows...

oh and I heard their gonna add rocket launcher to the game in full ver... WTF, that was what I loved most about it u don't have lamers running around shooting rockets at your feet and nearest solid object to u...

all I can say is I hope that alot of ppl keep 1.3 servers around
cuz so far 1.4 blows chunks
I wish someone would re-open a 1.1 server.

I can hardly stand playing the game right now, seeing how 50% of my deaths are due to headshots.
Warning: Honest opinion, no personal marks intended.

And what are your percentage of headshots you make?

< 50% = practice

>50% = you really have nothing to complain about.

Changes to a game happen, all that really matters is what you do with them. It's not like they only made the changes for half of the players, so it's not like half the players have an unfair advantage. Everyone is on the same playing field, using the same rules (unless they are cheating which is an entirely different thread). So... Live with it, or move to a different game, or play on outdated servers.

Ozzman said:
ive beta tested 1.4 its a public beta... i dont know its a bit hard to fight against awpers though... if they are going to do this to jumping then i think they need to make the awp weaker... even though i love the awp and use it a lot..
The cs beta has only recently been released to the public. The beta testing crew has been playing it for a good month and a half before that :p
They are going to fix the aimbox for headshots. The rest of the aimboxes are fine, but the headshot box is still being tweaked. So when it's released, it'll be harder to get headshots than before.
I'd have to agree with kd7aze. Changes will happen, you just have to adapt to them. I'd trade a bit of gameplay for realism in CS anyway, even if I wouldn't be able to rambo around corners anymore...

Beta 1.1? Try beta 5.x or around there.
Murgen said:
I'd have to agree with kd7aze. Changes will happen, you just have to adapt to them. I'd trade a bit of gameplay for realism in CS anyway, even if I wouldn't be able to rambo around corners anymore...

Beta 1.1? Try beta 5.x or around there.

that's the thing, it doesn't seem more realistic, just more handicapped....

ever seen Dod's fatigue system? much better.... IMO
yeah, the dod fatigue system would take care of bunny hoppers, but it would screw up running since that's what people do mostly...
R0BB23 said:
team flashers is what really ****es me off

I'll remember that :D ;)

As for CS 1.4

Remember when 1.3 came out. People complained about that version too. Now the majority of players play that version.

So what if you can't bunny hop around like a n00b. I'm actually looking forward to 1.4
ya thats what everyone said to me that i play with "they are looking forward to 1.4" after a few days of playing it they come and tell me that 1.4 is ****! i like some of the new stuff like the spec modes and new radar stuff but thats about it.
Just tried it out. It's not so bad. I don't know what everybody is complaining about. It just takes a little bit more practice, and you have to change your skills a bit. I guess the people who don't like it just don't want to have to change their skills, or develop new ones.