Said "pressure drop" feature is bunk. Think of your watercooling rig like a formula 1 race. If all the cars are moving through the track at 250mph, except there's a 500 yard section where they have to go 50mph, what's gonna happen? You're gonna get a back up of cars, and in your watercooling system, you'd get a backup of water(well, not really, your pump would just struggle and overheat). The water MUST move at a constant rate throughout the system, the ONLY thing you can change is the pressure, but lowering the pressure wouldn't do any good. I've said it before and I'll say it again, go to a local car wreckers and buy a HEATER CORE. Why? Heater cores have a TON of very very little pipes that run through a field of VERY dense fins(almost so dense that you can't see through), with resevoirs on the side to allow the warmer water to flow to the top to pass through the tubes more times. Why is smaller tubes better? More surface area, plain and simple.