hi i want to buy one new soundcard and i am between Asus Strix Raid DLX and Asus Essence STX II 7.1
i dont know which to buy?
what is the difference between Asus Strix Raid DLX and Asus Essence STX II 7.1 ? and which is the best?
i want the soundcard for games, music and movies
so which soundcard are you suggested me to buy?
Asus Strix Raid DLX or Asus Essence STX II 7.1? or
Sound BlasterX AE-5??
i am playing games ,, music and movies/
in music i am hearing everything trance house all the kind of music ..
i am playing all the kind of games././
WHAT IS THE DIFERENCE BETWEEN Asus Strix Raid DLX or Asus Essence STX II 7.1?? and Sound BlasterX AE-5??
.if i buy Asus Strix Raid DLX will it be good for music and movies?? will i hear in songs very clear and beauty sound?
and i have one more question with Asus Strix Raid DLX can i put and one custom 5.1 speakers?
Asus Strix Raid DLX supports only gaming headsets? or it suports all the kind of headsets?
so which soundcard to buy from these 3??
Strix Raid DLX or Essence STX II or Sound BlasterX AE-5??
some people say that Strix Raid DLX is good
another people say that is garbage
some another people say that asus stx 2.7.1 is very good
some people say that is not good
so from these 3 which one is the best??
do you believe that Soundblaster AE-5 is better than asus stx ii 7.1 and asus dlx??
can you tell me why is better from these 3?
i am asking because i dont know
the most people say that dlx is garbage product
another people say that asus stx 7.1 is old and has problems with drivers
some another people say that soynblaster AE-5 has problems with the souroynd and the bass and with the volume..
for this i dont which to buy?
can you tell me please which to buy please?? from these 3??
i dont know which to buy?
what is the difference between Asus Strix Raid DLX and Asus Essence STX II 7.1 ? and which is the best?
i want the soundcard for games, music and movies
so which soundcard are you suggested me to buy?
Asus Strix Raid DLX or Asus Essence STX II 7.1? or
Sound BlasterX AE-5??
i am playing games ,, music and movies/
in music i am hearing everything trance house all the kind of music ..
i am playing all the kind of games././
WHAT IS THE DIFERENCE BETWEEN Asus Strix Raid DLX or Asus Essence STX II 7.1?? and Sound BlasterX AE-5??
.if i buy Asus Strix Raid DLX will it be good for music and movies?? will i hear in songs very clear and beauty sound?
and i have one more question with Asus Strix Raid DLX can i put and one custom 5.1 speakers?
Asus Strix Raid DLX supports only gaming headsets? or it suports all the kind of headsets?
so which soundcard to buy from these 3??
Strix Raid DLX or Essence STX II or Sound BlasterX AE-5??
some people say that Strix Raid DLX is good
another people say that is garbage
some another people say that asus stx 2.7.1 is very good
some people say that is not good
so from these 3 which one is the best??
do you believe that Soundblaster AE-5 is better than asus stx ii 7.1 and asus dlx??
can you tell me why is better from these 3?
i am asking because i dont know
the most people say that dlx is garbage product
another people say that asus stx 7.1 is old and has problems with drivers
some another people say that soynblaster AE-5 has problems with the souroynd and the bass and with the volume..
for this i dont which to buy?
can you tell me please which to buy please?? from these 3??