Keep all options open.
It's too bad you feel that way about AMD. They offer the best bang for the buck combo available.
I bought my K7S5A for 57.00 (now it is 52) and I picked up the 1800+ for $75.00, used, (granted you wont always find this but then again, I did). So for $132.00 I have a Mobo/CPU combo that will crush any PIII chip that you would have to pay the same price for the chip by itself.
expand your mind a little, you will be a happier person in general. Any time you close a door your only hurting yourself. I always make the best decision based on facts and not feelings, most people do.
However that being said. I like the way Intel handles it heat and if they had the same performance for the price that AMD has. I would be looking hard at switching back. Esp now since Rambus Ram is getting much cheaper, I will have to keep an eye on how things go for the big I.
Until then, my AMD setup will be killing your intel for about half the cost.
Now if I could just find a G4 or 8500 for about $75.00 maybe I could get 2001 BM up to where it should be. This VE is so slow. At least it overclocks but sheesh... 20% better then 1580 is still only 1975, although that was a good year.