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Xeonetic (Jun 06, 2001 04:02 p.m.):
Click Here

Stop Asking already............. Didn't you already notice that you can setup DDR system for the same $$$ as regular pc 133.................... When will people STOP asking that question.. ????!!!!!!!!!!!

Same price , increased performance what do you think ????????????
i would wait till the Nforce chipset boards come out
if u want to go to DDR.
it will be out in about end of the year.
and it will be only 12 to 20 bucks more then the other chipset boards.
it will have onboard GF2, DD 5.1sound chip+
all will run on lightning architecture.
which means it will have about 30 to 45% performance increase compared to the best DDR chipset board out now.

DDR ram is fast, but requres $$ .. also, the motherboard is more expensive.. until now, DDR can not prove its abilities by the software we have.. differences can be shown only in heave programs such as photoshop. take SD-RAM ..
[Oc]..jubei.. (Jun 06, 2001 09:42 p.m.):
Xeonetic (Jun 06, 2001 04:02 p.m.):
Click Here

Stop Asking already............. Didn't you already notice that you can setup DDR system for the same $$$ as regular pc 133.................... When will people STOP asking that question.. ????!!!!!!!!!!!

Same price , increased performance what do you think ????????????

Immature chipset, some problems, new DDR on the horizon that may not be compatible with the current standard, not a huge performance benifit... thats what I think
There is ALWAYS something on the Horizon.. If you wait forever you won't buy anything... He is asking what he should buy RIGHT now ... and Comparing Sdram and DDR ram RIGHT now, DDR is the way to go.... The price is the same for DDR and sdram setup system. Even for the 10% increase in performance, I think its worth it.

But you may want to wait....... I think there is DDR pc6000 coming in near future. ..........
Angry (Jun 07, 2001 09:47 a.m.):
DDR price the same as Sdram, yeeah.

For the good quality PC 133 ram and good Motherboard prices are close ...

256mb PC 2100 $59.95 / 256 mb PC 133 $59.35

Iwill Ka266 $115 / PC 133 ~ 100 good board

Yeeah you............................
[Oc]..jubei.. (Jun 07, 2001 08:35 a.m.):
There is ALWAYS something on the Horizon.. If you wait forever you won't buy anything... He is asking what he should buy RIGHT now ... and Comparing Sdram and DDR ram RIGHT now, DDR is the way to go.... The price is the same for DDR and sdram setup system. Even for the 10% increase in performance, I think its worth it.

But you may want to wait....... I think there is DDR pc6000 coming in near future. ..........

While I respect your views mine differ form yours, the forum page that features in the link at the top of the page features a few benchmarks using SI-Sandra and these do NOT display a clear 10% performance advantage across the range. My reason for saying not to go the DDR route is not completely performance based.. the lack of maturity of the chipset.. and the apparent problems, are the reason. While I am at no point suggesting that anyone waits for the latest technology, I do suggest that people wait for a reasonably reliable product, and irrespective of performance or cost certain DDR motherboards are more grief than they are worth
if you look closely on the forum that the link above takes you, you will see that there is a guy whose DDR benchmarks are way above of those from PC 133 ram .... He claims to run them at default speed of 133 mhz..... On that speed 133mhz I get around ~600 - 700 on my DDR ram ........... SO I don't know how you can say that you don't see at least 10 % increase........ Anyway there is nothing to argue about......... You want DDR get it, if no then no ... YOu PC WILL run great no matter which RAM you buy..........

Lets END THIS ARGUMENT !!!!!!!!!!...........................................................
Try to buy 256MB of Mushkin HP RAM for $60 like you can with Crucial's PC2100. The AMD761 chipset is coming of age and it is quite clearly a very stable chipset if you know what the heck your doing. DDR motherboards are the same price as good PC133 motherboards. I spend $130 for my Epox, you can get the FIC AD11 for $109 as well. Moving from a CUSL2-C with a P3-700 to a Epox 8K7A with a T-Bird @ 1.33GHz, I saw memory benchmarks move from 320MB/s to 840MB/s on the FPU. This improvement is clearly due to the T-bird and higher MHz, but the DDR is adding one hundred or two hundred MB/s to that. If you wait forever, what is the point of even looking for an upgrade? By the time you upgrade, something new is always right around the bend. Go upgrade and LIVE!
Well I for one just ordered the final components of a DDR system and I have no regrets. We'll see if that changes when I have put the thing together.... :)

Computer stuff changes every day. There's no point in waiting unless you are waiting for a specific thing. For instance, the next computer I build will be a dual Palomino, probably at the end of this year or early 2002. It will of course rely on the Palominos actually having been released by then and also whether I can get a reasonable price for a good dual MB. The computer I'm assembling now was a result of me trying out the new DDR RAM and taking entirely too long to decide on a CPU and MB. Building computers is fun. Unless you are planning on doing some really serious computing, most of the CPU power is wasted anyway, so there's no point in getting stressed out when someone says they are going to build a DDR system or decides to stick with SDRAM for now. Once enough people have both types, a truly objective numerical comparison can be made. I can honestly say that when that time comes and if it is found that DDR RAM is somehow inferior, I won't care, because I will have already gained the enjoyment out of assembling and optimizing my new system. :)

DDR gives a 41% performance increase over SDRam.
Nuff Said :D
I don't intend on buying RIGHT NOW!
I think I'll wait til the abit ddr board comes out