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BEcooling or DangerDen waterblock?

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Mar 25, 2001
What do you think is best value for money?
BE cooling jagged edge 29.99$ or Danger Den MAZE2 42$...
You got to know I'll have to import them in europe, that's why I consider a 12 dollars difference important... (shipping costs me a lot).
Same question about DD cooling cube vs BEcooling AquaCoils...
Thank you.
I bought a BECOOLING waterblock and was disappointed in the quality. It wasn't cleaned out after soldering and one of the barbs was a little crooked. Neither of these things affected performance, but quality control is obviously lacking. If I had it to do again I'd buy a Danger Den block as I've heard nothing but good things about their quality. I may still buy one of the MAZE-2s just to try it out. The aquacoil radiator I got from BECOOLING was fine (small and efficient). If you're considering a cube, get the Danger Den cube. You may pay a little more but you'll be happier in the long run.

Quality is worth a little right?
I use the DD MAZE2 and the DD cube and am VERY pleased with it. My temps are shown in my sig and I haven't even hooked up a pelt to it yet. I have that 156Watt one that came with my kit. I use an Eheim 1250 hobby pump <315gph> and I get those temps. I have yet to go OVER 30C even on a hot day. Go DangerDen, you will NOT be dissapointed!
I use the becooling block (I bought the whole aquastealth II kit for 60 bucks on eBay) and have been pleased with it's performance. I've modded my voltage so my temps are definitely higher than the first 2 posts, but nothing unreasonable. I'm thinking vapochill case or peltier setup next, depending on how brave I am with fighting condensation.


I would go with the DangerDen maze 2 block for the mounting assembly. I broke off one of my socket lugs on my motherboard and toasted my tbird in about 1 second. I have since then modded the clip assembly to use the other lugs and got my tbird back but I'm wary of the mounting procedure for this. Dangerden uses the holes around the socket for mounting, which gives you much better security for not breaking off in the middle of the night.
A bigger part of myself likes Danger Den hardware but, heh, more bucks...
I'll probably go for DD stuffs... AMDguy feel free to mail me if you buy maze 2
How bad are aluminium waterblocks performing ? because I can have a fairly big radiator for 0$ but it is made of aluminium only and I don't want galvanic corrosion...
My objectives would be to cool my duron 700 to get 1gig of it, ( my alpha only manage around 950 at cold boot or winter).
Are alu blocks enough for 72 watts peltiers?
Another Idea, usung a cold copper plate could help an aluminium waterblock?
toutin (Jun 27, 2001 10:34 a.m.):
How bad are aluminium waterblocks performing ? because I can have a fairly big radiator for 0$ but it is made of aluminium only and I don't want galvanic corrosion...
My objectives would be to cool my duron 700 to get 1gig of it, ( my alpha only manage around 950 at cold boot or winter).
Are alu blocks enough for 72 watts peltiers?
Another Idea, usung a cold copper plate could help an aluminium waterblock?

An aluminum block will likely get you to 1gig. But I'd highly recommend copper block and radiator for maximum performance.

You may save a few bucks, but you only have to buy this stuff once usually. Might as well get the best.
I can have a waterblock made for free (only in aluminium... don't have the hardware to machine copper) and I can get a radiator for free too, the only thing remaining is a 800 liter/hour pump that I can get for 15$ ... so I'd save a lot of bucks...

Any clue about an extra copper plate between the cpu and the waterblock to compensate ?