here's a link for you with some nice cases:
but i don't think you can buy anything from the site cause it's a greek company
only the shipping will cost you a fortune
Sniper564.....I've got one of those KS-188's and it's great. I mod'ed the front to accept an old Gateway2000 grill. Put (2) 120mm 24v fans behind that and one 80mm in the bottom front.(he's on wheels) They allow for a couple 80mm at the back,too.
Plenty of room.....very good PSU. Fit and finish is very good. Even with the hot weather we get here the system temps' stay pretty much @ ambient. Can't beat this one for the money.
William (Jun 16, 2001 04:47 p.m.):
The Addtronics or Supermicro (they are pretty much the same) are both very very good. The Antec full tower is liked a whole lot too.
I agree In particular the addtronics extra series ending in -96 are great, since they use a factory installed 12cm fan in front.
They are not cheap but very well manufactured and provide easy access. If you are interested get one without the P/S from their website, and provide your own 430W or so. That way you can get a 6896 for $80. An addtional $90 for a good Enermax 430W PS is not excessive, and the whole thing is ready to roll at $170.
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