DANG!!! i just paid 25 shipped for the goldengate!!! without a fan!!! dang! and now its 14 with a fan!!!
i HIGHLY suggest that heatsink!!! its great!! i have really bad airflow through my case and the hsf has a 18cfm fan and i get 47c, before i had my mobo and stuff outside my case and id get just barely 40c load on my 1700+ oced to 1900+
and thats with 18cfm!!! i have a really anoying fan that pushes a lot of flow that i have stuck on that thing.... but its terribly anoying! eaven with 7v
i dont remember the results with that one though...
and i had a 80mm fan adapted to it also and that had some GREAT results!!!! at 30cfm, but i recked the adapter trying to make it better.... i made the thing out of a cdr..