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Best chipset for 7900 gs?

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Sep 8, 2005
A Town : |
All I need to buy now is my motherboard. This is my first time buying an nvidia card, however, so I was wondering what the best solution would be for my 7900 gs. I am assuming something with an nForce chipset? Anyways, my budget is 135 bucks. Thanks.
You are going to have to give a little more information on what you are running because there are any number of boards that will work with it. if you dont have a lot of money though, the nforce 570 is a safe bet. the msi one looks nice, but a lot of people have complained about it. the asus exceeds your budget which leaves abit and ecs or even gigabyte.

but we will need to know what kind of cpu your looking to use and how important to you overclock is. either way, intel or amd, a 570 chipset will give you flexibility with that nvidia card.

edit: heh, somone beat me to it.


you can also consider a 965 based board, but those might exceed your budget
965 is Intel, yes? If so, would nvidia chipsets be more optimized for nvidia cards?
a chipset isnt necessarily gonna be optimized for a particular video card.. a video card will work on any 'chipset' since thats not whats runnin the video
I would say go for a DS3 by gigabyte, very reliable, bit picky on ram but apart from that, its a very good all rounder :santa: