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Best CPU to o/c with BE6 rev2

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New Member
Mar 5, 2002
Hi all
I got a Abit BE6 rev 2 with a PIII700E@910 (FSB130MHZ/1.75 core voltage).

Now I would like to get some more speed and intended to buy a Tulatin 1200 or 1300.

Somewhere I read that this CPU is not supported by my motherboard.:(

Since I don't want to spend to much money and time I refrain from replacing my motherboard.

What options do I have, what CPU is supported by my mb and is good and easy to o/c?

Thanks for suggestions, Luke
Any slot 1 P3 will work with your mobo... except 133 FSB chips of course. If you can get your hands on a slotket... you'd be able to use an FCPGA chip. Could also use a celly as well. Cellys overclock VERY well. And are pretty cheap.
The PowerLeap Adapter does work with your motherboard...

Read the left, under "Confirmed to be Compatible (to date):" Your BE6 is the first one there, and showing all revisions from 1.1 to 2.0.

If you still want to stick with a Coppermine, go for a 900 or 1000 Celeron, if you got some more money go for the 1 Gig P3.

I am getting a slocket and I am going to do the tualatin mod and tell ya all how it goes. I would look at this option.
ol' man said:
I am getting a slocket and I am going to do the tualatin mod and tell ya all how it goes. I would look at this option.
Be carefull and don't screw it up. That stuff can be tricket to work with, so take your time.